Checking on my exchange server, I looked in Control Panel/Add Remove Software and found that there are no Exchange SPs listed.
Does this mean that no SP has been applied? I downloaded E3SP2EN.EXE. I then extracted it. When I tried to run D:\appl\Exchange\E3SP2ENG\setup\i386\update.exe, it gives me an error
Runtime Error!
Program D:\appl\Exchange\E3SP2ENG\setup\i386\update.exe
-unable to initialize heap
The error changes if I tried to run it a 2nd time
Unable to load sitsetup.dll. Setup cannot continue.
Not sure but I am running MS-2003 64bit. I wonder if this is the reason behind these errors. Must I have SP1 prior to attempting SP2 ???
Does this mean that no SP has been applied? I downloaded E3SP2EN.EXE. I then extracted it. When I tried to run D:\appl\Exchange\E3SP2ENG\setup\i386\update.exe, it gives me an error
Runtime Error!
Program D:\appl\Exchange\E3SP2ENG\setup\i386\update.exe
-unable to initialize heap
The error changes if I tried to run it a 2nd time
Unable to load sitsetup.dll. Setup cannot continue.
Not sure but I am running MS-2003 64bit. I wonder if this is the reason behind these errors. Must I have SP1 prior to attempting SP2 ???