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Installing Patches 1

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Jun 21, 2000
I have just installed Oracle 8.1.7 on an MS NT platform. Before I get to far in creating my DB, I would like to apply any suggested patches. I went to Metalink, but when I did a search for patches for, it didn't show any. There were patches for and above. Can someone point me to a good place to get all of the patches I would need to bring Oracle 8 up to the latest and greatest? Patch file names would be a great help.

Thanks... Terry M. Hoey
I too know that there is a patch and have been looking for it also. However, I believe that until you have an issue/problem with the database server, Oracle support will not give you the patch. If you do get it I would like it as well.
Patch sets are usually cumulative, so you can apply them to a base Oracle install.

Based on what I'm seeing in Metalink, the two patches you are interested in are patches and The first is labelled ID:611940 Patchset::1711240 and the second is ID:855585 Patch::1887405.

Patch looks like a cumulative patch, so you should apply it right after your install. However, patch is not cumulative. If you look at the readme file for this patch, it says that the earliest version the patch can be applied to is Therefore you can apply this patch right after installing the patch.

Terry, it sounds as if you found these patches on Metalink, but I gather that robhalabicki did not. Rob, please go into the patches section of Metalink, and then be sure to click on the area labelled "Click here for Patches released after February 19, 2001 and for all Application Patches." On the next screen select "Oracle Server" as the Product Family, "" as the Release, and "MS Windows NT/2000 Server" as the Platform. All the other choices can be left blank or set to their defaults. Click "submit" and you will get a screen of patches available for download.
Thanks again Karluk. What would I do without you (and Carp, and Sem, etc). Terry M. Hoey
One last question on this. I have installed both the and the patches to my server. Do I need to reinstall the client on my desktop? I would think so. The 1.1 patch doesn't mention anything about it, but the 1.5 has the following after upgrading the server: Client only Installation Instructions:

(1) Make sure all applications that use the Oracle Client are shutdown.
This may include Webservers if any, that load Oracle client in the
mid tier.

-- The Patch might include files from components that you might
not have currently installed. If you find a file that is included
with the patchset but not in your current installation, then
you do not have to copy that file.

(2) Copy the included files: oraclient8.dll, orageneric8.dll, oranoncj8.dll,
orapls8.dll, orancrypt8.dll, procui.exe, procus8.dll, orasql8.dll,
ocijdbc8.dll, oran8.dll, oranjni8.dll, oranl8.dll, oranls8.dll sqlplus.exe,
sqlplusw.exe and proc.exe to %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory.

(3) Install the NLS data files by copying all the .nlb files under nlsdata
directory to %ORACLE_HOME%\OCOMMON\NLS\ADMIN\DATA directory.

(4) Copy pr2us.msb to %ORACLE_HOME%\PRECOMP\MESG directory.

(5) Copy utlrp.sql, oranls8.sym, orapls8.sym, oraclient8.sym, orageneric8.sym

(6) Copy classes111.zip to %ORACLE_HOME%\JDBC\LIB directory.

(7) Copy classes12.zip to %ORACLE_HOME%\JDBC\LIB directory.

(8) Copy all the .pre files under precomp\demo\proc directory to the
respective directory as given below.

1) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Ansidyn1/Ansidyn1.pre
2) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Ansidyn2/Ansidyn2.pre
3) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Coldemo1/Coldemo1.pre
4) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Cppdemo1/Cppdemo1.pre
5) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Cppdemo2/Cppdemo2.pre
6) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Cppdemo3/Cppdemo3.pre
7) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Cv_demo/Cv_demo.pre
8) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/empclass/empclass.pre
9) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Lobdemo1/Lobdemo1.pre
10) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Mltthrd1/Mltthrd1.pre
11) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Navdemo1/Navdemo1.pre
12) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Objdemo1/Objdemo1.pre
13) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Oraca/Oraca.pre
14) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Plssam/Plssam.pre
15) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample/Sample.pre
16) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample1/Sample1.pre
17) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample10/Sample10.pre
18) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample11/Sample11.pre
19) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample12/Sample12.pre
20) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample2/Sample2.pre
21) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample3/Sample3.pre
22) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample4/Sample4.pre
23) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample5/Sample5.pre
24) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample6/Sample6.pre
25) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample7/Sample7.pre
26) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample8/Sample8.pre
27) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sample9/Sample9.pre
28) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Sqlvcp/Sqlvcp.pre
29) %ORACLE_HOME%/precomp/demo/proc/Winsam/Winsam.pre

(9) A new precompile time option win32_threads is introduced for proc.
The default value for the option win32_threads is "no" and it can take
values "yes" or "no". The documented way of using multithreading with precompiler
applications is to precompile with option threads=yes, however if there are
any multithreaded precompiler applications that are precompiled with
threads=no, then they should now be precompiled with option win32_threads=yes.

(10)The procui.exe (the proc gui tool) has the newly introduced
win32_threads option. NOTE: ".pre" files created with previous versions of
procui.exe cannot be opened with this version and get error Unexpected
file format.

Previously created .pre files need to be recreated again.

This client only patch installation is complete.
Terry M. Hoey
Installing the patch on client workstations is the same as on the server - you have to install the patch first. Just run setup.exe from your unzipped download, and proceed. The Installer appears to be smart enough to know which Oracle components are installed on the workstation, and only installs the upgrades that are needed.
Thanks again... Terry M. Hoey
I just installed Oracle for the first time V8i 8.1.7, on a Sun Sparc Solaris system. The install went fine. : )
I am now attempting to install patch 1859604; each and everytime...I stop all the Oracle services, logon as root-unzip the file, then sh patch.sh and I receive the following error.........
>>>> File /network/lib/libnlsnr8.a is missing or not writable
>>>> File /lib/libn8.a is missing or not writable

Patch can not be installed.
One or more files are missing or not writeable

I've checked the permissions on the file, the groups and owners everything checks out ok...Ug! I am at a lost, can someone offer any suggestions or advice. Any and all would be appreciated.
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