What version? Will your local box also have Design Studio? Is it NT or Windows?k or XP? Are there additional components you'll be installing, like HIPAA Integration Package, Event Agent, Commerce Manager or Management Tools?
e.g. if i launch event server monitor, it ask me to configure/specify event server to monitor. am not sure, how to run this server , even how to check whether I've event server installed on my local m/c.
6.5 not supported on XP. Read the docs. You have to start Event Server Service (Windows Service Tab). Before thsat you have to set up EventServeradmin info. Need a valid .msl to run.
BTW, 6.5.? what build?
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
You need to install the Event Server software. Are you licensed for it? If so it should be on your installation CD. It creates a windows service. But as Boca says you need NT for 6.5.
I ran 6.5.2 on an XP machine for a short period of time. Didn't really have any problems to speak of. Had more problems with the Oracle client.
Install by the book and you shouldn't have any problem until you call support.
After the install you need to configure the Event Server Admin, Probably OK to use the default port settings and if you aren't using Java you can probably ignore the advanced and options tabs.
Monitor and Manager will not work until Admin is configured and Windows Mercator Event Service is started. Whenever you deploy a new system file you need to restart the Event Services. When you redeploy an existing system you can just restart the Manager.
The documentation should tell you what settings to use and how to configure various tools.
I have run 6.5, including the Event Server for local testing, on XP for 2.5 years now without a problem. It may not be supported, but I have yet to find any issues related to XP.
If you will be running your systems for production data, you should move to NT as a server.
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