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Installed Win 2000 three times now. Boot Problem

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Jul 7, 2002
I have installed Windows 2000 on my computer three times in the past week. The machine was running Windows ME up until 6 months ago when I changed over to 2000. Everything was fine until last weekend. I formatted my computer because I was getting an error message. Then, the computer will work great for a day then the same message appears. When I turn on my computer I see the Window Professional 2000 screen (with the growing blue bar at the bottom) after this screen the following message appears,

"Stop 000x00008 90000000gf
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps:
Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive contollers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chkdsk /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
Refer to your Getting Started manual for more information on trouble shooting errors."

I have tried the recovery disk.
During the time that the computer was working I ran Norton to scan for virus' and nothing came up.

Please let me know what to do. Format... anything, I just want my computer back.
Thanks for any ideas,
what are the speciifications of your PC. you maybe having some hardware incompatibility - probably from scsi controllers, or devices not supported by Windows 2000. you might want to compare your hardware with the windows 200 HCL. or if you have the necessary drivers for your device - upon installation, invoke the F8 key to install supported drivers.
It is an IBM NetVista 2276. It has a one gig hard drive. Sorry I do not know too much about computers.
What drivers are you refering to? I can press the F8 key and get to the appropriate screen.
I've seen this error message before. Go to BIOS and see what's the set DMA for the HDD. Some combinations in Win2k (M/B - HDD) require a DMA below 3 (1 or 2). That should take care of your problem...

-= Alea jacta est! =-
You're running 2k server on a 1GB hard drive? (not enough space).
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