Is there a way to create a shortcut of my application on the desktop using the Package and Deployment Wizard. I mean should I tinker with setup.lst to something about it?
That code looks pretty good, but since it says "I needed to create a shortcut in the Startup group, not on the Desktop. " I think I can help.
I found some VBA code about a year ago that I saved just incase I ever needed to create a shortcut on the desktop. Unfortunately I have no idea where it came from or who the author is. (It may have come from tek-tips.) I do however, know it works.
I believe if you just create a function somewhere in your setup1.vbp and call it before the setup1.exe ends it should work.
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim objShell As IWshShell_Class
Dim objShortcut As IWshShortcut_Class
Dim FolderItem As Variant
Dim lsPath As String
Dim lsShortCut As String
Dim lsURL As String
Dim lsConfigFileName As String
Dim nType As Variant
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