I try to install workflow2.6.2 that comes with Oracle9iAS9.0.2 in Windows2000. There are Oracle9iAS9.0.2 infrastruture and Oracle9i Development Suite2. installed in the same computer. I always get error "Error in writing to file c:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin\javai.dll". I tried to use Universal Installer2. and, but it still not work. Can anyone help about that? Thank you very much!
I try to install workflow2.6.2 that comes with Oracle9iAS9.0.2 in Windows2000. There are Oracle9iAS9.0.2 infrastruture and Oracle9i Development Suite2. installed in the same computer. I always get error "Error in writing to file c:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin\javai.dll". I tried to use Universal Installer2. and, but it still not work. Can anyone help about that? Thank you very much!