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Installation problem IDES 4.6B 1

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Aug 21, 2003
Installation problem IDES 4.6B
Installation order

1) installation of Windows 2000 on a PC Harddisk 120 GB,
512 ram)
Question: - it is IDES 4.6B in the installation guide
they say it runs on Windows NT does it run
on Windows 2000 to?
- Do i need to install service packs on
windows 2000?

2) installation oracle 8.0.5
my listener in the services is running, so i think
everything is OK.
Do i need to create a database or will SAP do that?

Then i am installing SAP IDES 4.6B (as in the installation guide)

3) I am running from the kernel
cd :\NT\COMMON\R3setup.bat:
That run's just fine
4) Install the central instance using the standard
template CENTRAL.R3S
That runs also ok
5) I copy the install script DB_IDES.R3S to DATABASE.R3S
6) I run the installation script and it does create an
entry { { label RI_GIKY_NA_COM_SAPMNT_LABEL } { regexp ^
[A-Z][:]?$ } } )
It can't find those directories. I looked in the help
and change them
to <DRIVE>:\USR\SAP => that works but is it right?
7) I run the installation script and it doesn't create an
error anymore. But it would't go
any further than around the 50 %
The item it is than running is (see last item
Creating coprocess F:\orant\bin\svrmgr30.exe ...
I waited for around 15 hours but nothing is changing
Where can i see it is doing something?

Can you help me?

Thank you

You hv got a big query, an attempt to help maximum is :

1) I hv done an installation recently
of 46B IDES with Oracle 806 on Win2k.
Win2k was having the latest service pack.

2) SAP Creates the database during the install process.
But the Oracle S/w with a all environment settings
should be available. (Oracle sid, oracle home etc.)

3) 4) 5) This looks good.

Since you are using seperate install profiles, so i assume that in your scenario the Database host and SAP host are different.

The error could be caused by the communication problem between the 2 hosts.

If the host for DB and CI are same then you should use CENTRDB profile instead.

As an standard you should not replace the variables inside the profile becuase these are established inside by SAP installer using the UI.

Can u let me know how many CPU's are there in the host and how many coprocessors u had opted in UI session of Installer.


Hi Thanks for your reaction, i will try it with centraldb.r3s.

I am using a standalone pc with 1 processor and 1 harddisk of 120gb and 512 RAM. So i think i have hardware enough.

Could you be more specific must i create the database myself in oracle.

Could you send me the installationscript you have used?

Thank you
Hi last weekend i tried it again with no success. I have seen that:

I run the installation script and it doesn't create an error anymore. But it would't go
any further than around the 50 %
The item it is than running is (see last item
Creating coprocess F:\orant\bin\svrmgr30.exe ...
I waited for around 15 hours but nothing is changing
In the install directory i see it has created an .sql file (orascr.sql), the first command in that script is &quot;CONNECT INTERNAL&quot;. If i try to run that script manually
the first thing it asks is for a password. Could it be that it is waiting for an input password in the installation script? How can i put that in the script? Could somobody send me an installation script of IDES 4.6B
that works well...

Where can i see if it is doing something?

&quot;connect inernal&quot;
asking for password is not acceptable by SAP software functionality.
If connect internal command is issued on the OS user which is also the administrator of the Oracle then will not ask the password.
Do the oracle installation from the same admin login as you are using for SAP installation.
This is a test for all SAP Operations that &quot;connect internal&quot; should not ask for password from the admin login.
hi ,
Just do the following.

General Preparations: Handling of the seven(7)DB-Export CDs
As mentioned above the DB-Export CDs of the 4.6C IDES Installation have to be handled absolutely different to the CDs of the standard installation.
Due to different restrictions the DB-export-files will not be read from CD but from one big virtual CD on disk. And here you can find the instructions how to build it up. This step is independent of operating system and database software.
Building up a virtual DB-Export-CD on disk
DB-Export-CDs - used during an installation - always have the following structure:

DATA CD-subdirectory 1
DB CD-subdirectory 2
LABEL.ASC flat file with the CD-identification

Only the first DB-Export-CD (1/7) has this structure (all others contain only the DATA-subdirectory). Build up this structure on a disk with at least 4,5 GB free space. It is up to you, where you define the directory in your filesystem (for example IDES_CD in /usr/sap or with NT like D:\IDES_CD ; with AS/400 the name has to be /EXPORT ). You have to enter this name (with the path) later when the installation tool R3SETUP asks for the location of the DB-Export-CD. Here the structure of the virtual CD (NT-example):
Example (NT):

Now copy the files from the seven DB-Export-CDs to this disk-CD. Use the ‘copy‘-command or the mouse (copy/paste). The order has no meaning. Pay attention of the DB directory. It has to be copied with all files and sub-directories (ADA,...,ORA) to the directory on disk. With AS/400 the IDES subdirectory too.

1) Copy the CD-identification-file to the virtual CD on disk:
CD(1/7): LABEL.ASC to IDES_CD 1 File

2) Copy sub-directory DB with all files and all subdirectories
CD(1/7): /DB/* to IDES_CD/DB 23 Files, 3 Sub-Folder

3) Copy DATA files
CD(1/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 40 Files
CD(2/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 1 File
CD(3/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 2 File
CD(4/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 1 File
CD(5/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 2 File
CD(6/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 1 Files
CD(7/7): /DATA/* to IDES_CD/DATA 3 Files 50 DATA-Files

IDES-Installation with Windows NT

The following section describes all the installation steps for the IDES System which are different from the 4.6C SR2 standard installation. For all other steps you should consult the standard installation guidelines.
Here you will find the manual steps which have to be done before starting the instal-lation. The steps are common for all NT-platforms. The idea is to use an IDES-template from the DB-Export-CD (1/7) (instead of the standard-templates from the Kernel-CD) to build and load the database. This prepared IDES-template is available:
It can be used to install central and database instance on one machine. (see example).

Example: Central Instance and database on the same host. Template: CENTRDB.R3S

1) insert 4.6C-Kernel-CD
This step creates the install-directory <install-dir> \users\<SID>adm\install and copies the installation-tools and different installation templates into it. Template CENTRDB.R3S should not be used because it requests the standard DB-Export-CDs.

2) Build up a virtual CD on disk with the content of the seven (7) DB-EXPORT-CDs. Follow the instructions in ‘General Preparations’ just above.

3) Install central and database instance using the prepared template CENTRDB.R3S
insert DB-Export-CD 1 (1/7)
cd <install-dir>
delete CENTRDB.R3S
copy <CD_Drive>:\IDES\NT\<DB>\CENTRDB.R3S <install-dir>\CENTRDB.R3S
(This CENTRDB.R3S template requests one virtual IDES CD on disk! <DB> stands for ORA, MSS. Attention: CENTRDB.R3S needs to have read/write-permissions!!!)

4) Start the installation as described in the standard installation guide using the IDES-template you have copied under the name CENTRDB.R3S to your installation directory .

Just is very simple.

After You do the complete installation You have to follow the SAP Note 312767.

SAP NOTE 312767( The Below Document is non formatted)
SAP Note Number: 312767
IDES 4.6C: Latest information on the installation
Version: 30, Note Language: EN, Released on: 17.07.2002

IDES 4.6C: Information regarding the installation

Additional key words

IDES, release planning

Cause and preconditions

Shipment of 4.6C IDES


This note is updated regularly !

The following versions are available:


* Version 1: Shipped since CW 36, 2000

* Version 2: Shipped since CW 25, 2001 for several platforms

* Version 3: Shipped in the frame of IDES mySAP.com (Note:414305)

* Version 4: Shipped since CW 4, 2002 for several platforms

* Please do note the following text (****)


Shipment of IDES mySAP.com components: Notes 174107/414305

Contents: R/3 4.6C, CRM/EBP 2.0C, Workplace 2.11, BW 2.1C, APO 3.0A,

plus the required Web Middleware (ITS, IPC, Requisite, ...)

Shipment of IDES-CRM 3.0: see Note 459356

Contents: CRM 3.0-SP04, R/3-SP22, Web-Middleware (ITS,IPC,IN-Q-MY,TREX,.)


Differences between the versions:

- more Support Packages (see Transaction SPAM)

- further languages (see Transaction SMLT)

- updated add-ons

- updated plug-ins

- more corrections/repairs


Version 4: (****)

Shipment on DVD with DB export and installation documentation.

Support Package 22

Platforms available for the 4.6C IDES Version 4:

UNIX,Linux,NT,Win2000 - Oracle....: DB: 35 GB

NT,Win2000 - MSSQL 8...: DB: 26 GB

UNIX,LINUX,NT,Win2000 - SAPDB.....: DB: 32 GB


In the shipment, the currency entry in Table T000 for client 800 is incorrect. Please use Transaction SM30 to change it from UNI to EUR!!

Wrong kernel CD:

In the first shipments of version 4, the 4.6C SR2 kernel CD was delivered instead of the 4.6D SR1 kernel. The installation abends because the correct kernel CD is not found. Solution: The 'correct' kernel CD, or the text of the kernel CD in file LABEL.ASC must be adjusted to the text in the installation template CENTRDB.R3S.

Alternative 1:

The kernel CD was completely copied to the hard disk. In this case, edit file LABEL.ASC and change it from / to



MS-SQL: MSSQL:R/3:46C SR 2:KERNEL:SAP Kernel:CD51014012


Alternative 2:

Edit the installation template CENTRDB.R3S and adjust it to the text

in file LABEL.ASC (from/to).




1_LABEL=MSSQL:R/3:46C SR 2:KERNEL:SAP Kernel:CD51014012

The installation terminates due to incorrect codepage settings.

The installation terminates shortly before the end, or after the installation, a logon to the system is impossible, or errors occur due to unsuitable codepage settings. The behavior differs on the different OS/DB platforms, or might not occur at all.

Recommendation: In the phase shortly before the end of the installation, when R3setup stops and asks whether the MNLS settings are to be adjusted, delete the entries from Tables TCPDB and TCP0D using operating system commands: e.g. truncate table TCPDB; and truncate table TCP0D;

You should also do this after a successful installation before making the correct settings using Report RSCP0004.

If you changed the user from Administrator to <sid>adm for making the DB operations before the end of the installation, you can also finish the installation with this user. Under NT, however, the shares created are not found.


- Error messages of Transaction SAINT




Internal error: OCS_GET_OBJECTLIST: SAPKB46C01

empty object list in step ADDON_CONFLICTS_?

If these termination messages are displayed when importing to IDES systems, transport BOMs are missing in the system. In this case, use Transaction SE38 to run Report ZTH_CHK (for version 2, the report still needs to be imported - see below). If the list shows 136 or 137 missing objects, data file 46C_object_lists.sep is contained in sapservx (X=3,4,..) directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0312767. This file is also contained as download file on the SAP Service Marketplace mit Alias IDES --> 'IDES Public Information'-->'General Information'-->'Installation GuidesIDES'. Copy it to your machine, and import it as user <sid>adm using command R3trans -i 46C_object_lists.sep .

ABAP load generation (for version 4 on DVD)

To avoid compiling messages, the ABAP load can be generated using a report. To do this, call Transaction SE38 and start Report ZIDES_LOAD_GENERATOR. Run the report without parameter change in the background. Runtime: Several hours. Please make sure that sufficient free database space is available (Oracle tablespace, or on the hard disk for MS-SQL (with automatic database growth)).

Period closing program (version-independent)

The period closing program (Report RMMMPERI) is scheduled to run in the background at every beginning of a month. If the system is installed only weeks or months after the export, the program no longer works, and adjustment to the current month must be made manually. With the above program, this can be done month by month, but is not practical in case of large backlog. In sapserv3,..4,..5, ... directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0312767, you can find the R3trans e port file R900009.YT7 . Import it into your system as <sid>adm using command R3trans -i R900009.YT7. In this process, Report ZMMPER1A is imported. Afterwards, start this report in your system. The parameters are already preset for an update and all company codes. The report also adjust the period across the fiscal year change.




Version 2:

Platforms available for the 4.6C IDES version 2:

UNIX, Linux, NT, Win2000 - Oracle....: DB: 32 GB

Linux - SAPDB.....: DB: 26 GB

NT, Win2000 - MSSQL 8...: DB: 22 GB

OS390, AIX, NT - DB2/OS390 (details see below)

For the other platforms, version 1 is still delivered.

Support Packages: SP22

During the import of Support Package 22 (SAPKH46C22), activation errors occur in the three tables RCJ_EVDEGREE, RCJ_EVQUANT, and RCJ_EVVALUE (due to duplicate field names in structure and append). To resolve this conflict, delete the appends affected.




However, the two appends ZARCJ_EVDEGREE and ZARCJ_EVQUANT can only be deleted, if you change the development class (Dev.Cl) from CN to a customer development class (Z*, for example ZIDE). You can do this by using Transaction SE03 - Object directory - Change object directory - enter: R3TR TABL ZARCJ_EVDEGREE. The change should be made in client 000 with any user except for DDIC. This user should be registered as developer. You may use user IDADMIN, password IDES or your own user with the same profile.

Now you can delete the three appends using Transaction SE11 - Data type: ZARCJ.......

Then restart SPAM (import of Support Package 22).

ABAP load generation:

This was changed in version 2 as compared to version 1. No more REPLIST is needed. Any data required is read from system tables. Use Transaction SE38 to start report ZTH_LOAD_GENERATOR. On the screen that appears, two parameters are displayed which should not be changed. Schedule the execution in the background. The runtime is several hours. The Oracle tablespace PSAPEL46CD becomes almost 4 GB in size. The MS SQL DB will increase to almost 24 GB.

The table display (SE16/SE17) for table ZTH_LOAD_TAB shows the current generation status.

Period closing program (see version 4)


Version 1:

Platforms available for the 4.6C IDES version 1:

AIX, DEC, HPUX, RELIANT, SOLARIS, Linux, NT - Oracle....: DB: 25 GB



AIX, Solaris NT - DB2-UDB...: DB: 23 GB

NT - MSSQL.....: DB: 19 GB

AS/400....: DB: 30 GB

On request only: NT - Informix

Planned in Q4/2001 AIX, NT - DB2/OS390

IDES installation templates (*.R3S)

When you copy the desired template from the DB export CD (1/6) into the install directory, you have to make sure that the file has write/read authorization on the disk (because it is modified by R3setup during the installation).

Setting up the Transport Management System (TMS):

Start Transaction STMS and save the default values. Choose the &quot;Transport routes&quot; icon. On the next screen, switch to the change mode (icon &quot;Display <-> Change&quot;). Actually, no changes are required. Finally, choose &quot;Save&quot; and &quot;Distribute and activate&quot;.


The IDES DB contains the languages DE, EN, ES, FR, PT, and JA. If the translation is not complete in some of the modules, you can &quot;supplement&quot; it. See Transaction SMLT, language &quot;EN&quot; is recommended. To be able to log on to this system in a different language, you have to set &quot;installed_languages = DESFPJ&quot; in the instance profile. For the language &quot;Japanese&quot; (JA), you additionally have to install the corresponding codepage.

ABAP load generation:

To avoid &quot;compiling&quot; messages during the first execution of transactions in the R/3 System, the load can be generated as follows in the customer system.
1. Increase the DB areas in which the ABAP load is stored, depending on the database system used (for Oracle - tablespace PSAPEL46BD, Informix - Dbspace PSAPEL46B, ..., for MSS, AS/400 there must be sufficient space for the database). The space requirement is approximately 2 GB (that is, Oracle tablespace PSAPEL46BD has to be increased to a total size of approximately 2 GB; valid for DB2 for the corresponding storage areas).
2. Copy the file &quot;REPLIST&quot; on the DB export CD (1/6)

from the directory: /IDES/COMMON

into the directory: /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSnn/work
1. Start report ZTHQLDGEN in the R/3 System.
Parameters, Input: File.....: REPLIST (list of report names)
Output: ERRFILE..: ERRLIST (faulty reports)
Output: OKFILE...: OKLIST (generated reports)
Only change the default values for the output if required.
Afterwards, start the report in the background (runtime: 6-10 hours).

Support Packages:

Support Packages (previously Hot Packages) are now divided into Basis Support Packages and R/3 Support Packages (as regards the applications). The 4.6B IDES already contains Basis Support Package 03, R/3 Support Package 03 (see Transaction SPAM), and LCP 03 (HR).

You can import further Support Packages. If the SPAU comparison shows a vaste number of objects you can ignore them all.

Problems with Support Package 22 (SAPKH46C22): see above under &quot;Version 2&quot;.


- Error message by Transaction SAINT



If such termination messages are issued during import to your IDES System, then transport object lists are missing in the system. In this case, import an ABAP report that determines the missing object lists from sapservx (x = 3, 4, ...), directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0312767. Follow the instructions in file SAINT.TXT. The report will produce a list with missing objects. Send this list to thomas.habersack@sap.com and you will get the exported object lists. Send also an email if you cannot load this report from sapserv.


During import of an ADD-ON, error &quot;MESSAGE_ADD_TO_PROTOCOL&quot; may be issued. In this case, check the existence of the following directories and create them if they do not exist yet: &quot;/usr/sap/tmp&quot;, &quot;/usr/sap/trans/tmp&quot;, and &quot;/usr/sap/put/tmp&quot;. After that, restart the import. The import tools try to create file &quot;AMODPROT.<sid>&quot;. If the restart fails again check if the file &quot;AMODPROT.<sid>&quot; was created in subdirectory &quot;/usr/sap/tmp&quot;. If so, copy the file to subdirectory &quot;/usr/sap/put/tmp&quot;. Now a restart should be successfull.

Period closing program (see the remarks on version 4)



Database-dependent information:


After installing, you have to import a transport from sapserv3. You can find the data files and instructions on sapservX (X = 3, 4, ...) in directory &quot;/general/R3server/abap/note.0312767&quot;.


For the installation under DB2/OS390, download file IDES_OS390_INST.SAR from sapserv3, sapserv4, sapserv5, ... directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0312767/OS390 to the target server. Unpacking with tool: sapcar -xvf IDES_OS390_INST.SAP results in subdirectories DB, DB/DB2, and IDES_R3S.

Write an e-mail to thomas.habersack@sap.com, if you cannot download the file from sapserv.

In parallel, as described in the IDES guide, create a single virtual CD on disk from the existing 7 DB export CDs. Then copy the files unpacked above into the corresponding subdirectories of the virtual CD: DB files to DB, and DB/DB2 files to DB/DB2.

For installing, use the installation templates stored in subdirectory IDES_R3S - according to the environment (NT, AiX, OS390). Copy the corresponding template DATABASE.R3S.* to the install directory, rename it DATABASE.R3S, and start the installation as described in the standard guide.

Source code corrections

Release Status Released for Customer
Released on 17.07.2002
Priority Recommendations/additional info
Category Installation information
Primary Component XX-IDES IDES

Transaction codes DB2
Transaction codes EMAIL
Transaction codes FILE
Transaction codes ICON
Transaction codes SAINT
Transaction codes SE03
Transaction codes SE11
Transaction codes SE38
Transaction codes SM30
Transaction codes SMLT
Transaction codes SPAM
Transaction codes STMS
Transaction codes TRANSAKTIONEN
Gültige Releases 1 R0000070000000376

Soft. Component Release Track From Release To Release And Successors
SAP_APPL 46C 46C 46C

No correction instruction available

No Support Packages available

Number Short Text
0000413321 POC/progress value in planning table not for current period
0000434463 IDES 4.6C Japanese: List of problems (in Japanese)
0000434461 IDES 4.6C Japanese installation & additional information
0000337578 AS/400: Correction for V5R1

Keine Attachments vorhanden
The installation Steps of the SAP 4.6B and the SAP 4.6C is almost Same just a mattter of some more Fix needs to be don e on the 4.6b.
I will soon publish the installation Article for the 4.c on all the other Operating system with in Few days
that includes (AIX,Linux,Unix,HP-UX)etc.

Seperate Script file for each one of them.
I am also getting the same error , 4.6b stuck in the installation process and failed ended with 3 prlike this

nfo: DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA R3loadPrepare 2 303
Total number of processes: 18
15 process(es) finished successfully: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17
3 process(es) finished with errors: 0 2 15
0 process(es) still running:
Error: DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA R3loadFork 2 303
RC code form SyChildFuncWait = -1 .

Error: DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA R3loadFork 2 303
See logfiles SAP*log and EX*log for further information.
Error: DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InternalInstallationDo 2 303
R3loadFork erred
Error: DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InstallationDo 2 303
Phase failed.
Error: Main {} 2 303
Installation aborted.

Anyone ca
Hi i am also experiencing problem,the DB1\IDES\NT\ORA\DB_IDES.R3S is corrupted.can anybody send me that file along with the corresponding dbsize.tpl file.

sap 4.6b ides
for installation of SAP r3 on windows/windows advanced server just follow the following procedure then u will not come across to any problem. I faced similar one earlier and rectified useing the following proc.

1. install windows2k or Adv server.
2. install service pack 2, 3, 4 for 2k server or all patches for Nt server.
3. install ie6 with service pack.
4. install all critical patches form microsoft update.
5. create users <sid>adm, SAPService<SID> and givem them passwords, and keep user will never expair, and give admin privileges.
6. create groups SAP_<SID>_GlobalAdmin, SAP_<SID>_LocalAdmin, SAP_LocalAdmin and attach the above users to this group.
7. install oracle 817 with all latest patches.
8. oracle will create ORA_DBA group in windows attach the sap users to this group.
9. go to windows root \system32\drivers\etc edit the host file
(your machine ipaddress say for example) <machine name> SAPTRANSHOST
parameter below localhost
and save the file. and test it by ping.
10. create one folder(<driv>:\usr\sap) in the drives u selected where u would like to install the sap software.
11. update the windows 2k with the patch provided in the kernal cd of SAP.
12. Install the mmc in sap kernal cd.
13. now start the actual installation of sap from common folder of sap kernal cd.

If you follow the above steps there will not be any errors.
I did atleast 10 installations with same procedure.
No error.
Try your luck and if u have any problem let me know.
Good luck

I am trying to install 4.6b at home on windows 2k. I was able to install central instance with no problems, then I have selected db instance from the KER cd and ran into the probelms.

I was browsing this site for technical know-how and came to know your posting. From your posting I came to know that I should take Centrdb.r3s to install both on single machine.

i have followed your instructions and came to a point where I need your clarification. I am pasting your topic for your reference

The following section describes all the installation steps for the IDES System which are different from the 4.6C SR2 standard installation. For all other steps you should consult the standard installation guidelines.
Here you will find the manual steps which have to be done before starting the instal-lation. The steps are common for all NT-platforms. The idea is to use an IDES-template from the DB-Export-CD (1/7) (instead of the standard-templates from the Kernel-CD) to build and load the database. This prepared IDES-template is available:
It can be used to install central and database instance on one machine. (see example).

Example: Central Instance and database on the same host. Template: CENTRDB.R3S

I am not seeing centrdb.r3s, instead I am seeing

Please tell me how to proceed.

Your input is highly appreciated

Hi, can anyone please send me the files those are corrupted from SAP Installation CDs?
(1) DB1 \ IDES \ NT \ ORA \ DB_IDES.R3S

Please send them to etikatta@yahoo.com

I really really appreciate your great and immediate help on this.
Thank you.
Hi Wheel i am facing the same problem

could u please let me know the solution..

Hi i am having this small problem on installing the SAP 4.6b on the Win 2000 Adv Server. The only issue is i am installing it but it stucks on 50% for last 24 hours and the log file have this last line that says

INFO 2005-04-02 18:12:07 DBRESETDATABASE_NT_ORA SyCoprocessCreate:928
Creating coprocess D:\orant\bin\svrmgr30.exe ...

oracle is installed on D:\

I am using a 512 MB ram and 80Gb hard drive
any suggestion will be highly appreciated..
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