Hi all, I want to install full vesion of window 2000 pro (I don't have uppgrade version) on window 98. Is it possible to do this? I also want to hava a home server. Is the IIS included in window 2000 good? Or I have to install window 2oo0 server? Thanks
It will not matter about the upgrade as the only real upgrade path for Win2k is from NT4.
2k pro will work as a server but you are limited to 10 concurrent connections. IIS 5.0 is good (well alright it's better than 4.0) but in 2k pro is limited to a single website, ftp site and SMTP mail server (The defaults) and no NNTP (News) server. With 2k Server full fuctionality is available, Multiple web, ftp sites and Virtual SMTP & NNTP servers.
Hi Chris, thanks for your answer. That helps me a little. But if you don't mind please help me futher. I like to get my home server up and running, I know it is still far from that. In term of security, scability and easy to set up, between IIS and Apache, which one is better? Right now I have Apache 1.3.23, fronpage 2002, and frontpage 2000 server extention installed on window 98, I am being unable to set these work together. The server extention always display a message warning me "the adminstration pf server extention is too old for this server", my question is if after installing window 2000 pro (or server), will I be able to make server extention work good? and how?. I do appreciate your answers....thanks.
I think that you might need a newer version of the front page extentions, As far as which webserver to use, I would go with apache simply because i think that a server incorperated into the OS is a bad idea. Ive used Windows 2000 Advanced Server for some time now with apache and never had a problem with it. As far as security goes, There was a unicode exploit that was going around with the older versions of IIS, i think the've resolved it but the fact that it existed was enough to make me never want to use IIS again. I know that apache has its share of exploits, But the unicode one for IIS really made me uneasy.
Hi to all, I am having a problem installing w2k on a partition. I am running window xp home edition and i try to install w2k pro on the other partition i created. When i do that everything goes perfect until it is time select the partition. When i get to that point it does not bring upt he partition but it gives me a message telling me that i must have the window 98 or window NT cd to able to continue the installation. Well guys i will be thankfull to those who can help me out with this problem. I am gratefull for your help to all.
HI ! Visitor
u wont be able to install win2000 on the same partition
winxp wont let u get win2000 on ur comp
if u want to add win2000 then u have to format the xp partition,then install win2k after installing win2k insert the xp cd and select "new copy" when prompt.
take care
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