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Install of Zen 3.0 1

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Feb 22, 2001
Last weekend I did an installation of Zen 3.0 (Long time coming). We upgraded from Zen 1.0, the installation had some hitches, the SP1 for Zen 3.0 would not allow NalDesk to run, kept receiving a windows error that I could not resolve but will at a later date. My question is one of Snapin's, I know Zen 3.x prefers to utilize ConsoleOne but I don't believe all my snapin's for console one are installed or installed properly. It seems all I can currently do on my network is look at NDS Rights and Rights to files and folders. I need to be able to modify existing objects in my NDS through ConsoleOne so I can continue the management of my network. Are there some objects that you cannot manage through ConsoleOne? If someone can assist me I would appreciate it.

david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
I found out that GroupWise 5.5 can only be managed from NW Admin so I guess I'm stuck with two management programs until I upgrade to GroupWise 6 and Netware 6.

david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
Are you running Console One from your workstation or from the server? Also, what version are you running?
I'm running console one from the server, all the snapins are installed to the server and the path has been set to look there. From what I can see (with toying around with it for a little) a lot of the ZEN 1 items are not moving over to ZEN 3. Application Version Number (for example) you could use '.' in Zen 1 (3.4.1) but in Zen3 you can't. None of my application version numbers moved over. Also the old policies that I'm maintaining in NW Admin do not have all the tabs to manage them through ConsoleOne. I'm in the process of updating them in ConsoleOne but I don't have all the offices upgraded to ZEN3 yet so I still have to maintain the old policies. I know its probably due to the fact that I'm going from Zen1 to Zen3 but I'm still learning it, for the most part the upgrade is going smooth. I finally got the automatic workstation registration working and remote control working so all is not lost....

david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
Be careful with those old ZEN objects. Are all of your workstations running ZEN 3 aware clients (client 3.30 sp3 for W95/98 and 4.8 for NT/2000). According to the MCNE that taught the ZEN 3.2 class I attended, just viewing details on a ZEN 2 object with Console One will kinda convert it to a ZEN 3 object and prevent users with older clients from using it.
Well, I got everything up and working, SuperDave, thanks for the heads-up on this. I haven't ran into anything like this yet but I'm sure I will, all of my clients are running 4.8 or above so I feel pretty safe avoiding any of those problems. I struggled through auto import and finally go it up and working. Got remote control working this morning and my profiles back up and working now. Remote control was my priority, we've been without this feature for quite some time now. With offices all over the US it comes in handy to remote into someones workstation and fix it without getting someone physically involved.

I guess until we update to GroupWise 6 I'm stuck with both management programs, at first I though I'd only use consoleOne for my policies but I have found out that I do everything in it now. NWAdmin is only used now to admin my GroupWise server.

Thanks for all your help, I off to see if I can get WOL service running. david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
According to the Coolsolutions site, you are not alone with this problem. The solution is to make sure that you need to be running consoleone version 1.3, but the real trick, is that when you install it "from the CD" that you install it into the following path - "sys\public\mgmt\consoleone\1.2". I know, sounds crazy, not installing into a 1.3 folder, but that's what they say.
Kinda off topic ...

For sanity purposes, install Console One onto your local hard drive, it will run 10 times faster. Just copy the Console1 directory from the servers sys:\public\mgmt directory and drop it in c:\novell on your local C. You still must use that 1.2 subdirectory (directory structure would look like this c:\novell\consoleone\1.2\

Some Novell programs will look for Console One on your local C drive (Certificate Server 2.02 for example).

Not sure about 5.5 (haven't played with it for some time now), but I do know that 5.5 Enhancment Pack does have snap-ins for Console One.

You can also copy the entire WIN32 directory to your local C (location does not matter). Both programs just run a lot better because the only network traffic is calls to is the DS database of the attached server, not a program running across the wire.

Now back on topic:
Things you CAN NOT do in Console One -
You can not create or manage NDPS printer objects
You can not create or manage NDPS Broker objects
You can not create or manage NDPS Manager objects
You can not create or manage SLP objcts (you can in 1.3.3)
You can not create or manage Printer objects
You can not create or manage Queue objects
You can not create or manage Print Server objects

All of these need to be done through NWAdmin. These are the hot items that are most comonly needed; there are more, but I am forgetting them right now cause I don't use them very much (you also can't do anything with license objects).

Novell is getting on my nerves with the managment programs. When Console One came out with NetWare 5.0; the story was NWAdmin was going away. This never happend, you still need NWAdmin to perform some functions. Now the story is Console One is going away, and Novell will make the managment tools run from a web browser. So we will have to wait and see.
Brent Schmidt CNE, Network +
Senior Network Engineer

Why do user go into a panic when a NetWare server goes down, but accept it as normal when a Windows server goes down?

Thanks for the useful information, I got most of the stuff up and running on Console One, going to attempt the hard drive idea and see if I can get a little more speed out of it. Out of all the upgrades I've done over the last year, the ZEN3 one seemed to go fairly well despite the ConsoleOne confusion. Thanks for your tips; they’ll come in useful in the future.
david e
*end users are just like computers, some you can work with...others just need a simple reBOOTing to fix their problems.*
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