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install hotfix on remote computers 1

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Sep 12, 2002
how can i install a hotfix to 100 computers using vbs ?
how do i then check if the installation is successful on those machines?
Run the MS "check Blast patch" application that is referenced in the article noted above.
I doubt it - it's a compiled .exe file, not a .vbs that you could reverse-engineer and modify. Microsoft does have a general patch-check application available on their website, however.
the MBSA is not very helpful to me cos i need to scan 100 computers by hostname.
Ah, yeah, that's a weakness of the MBSA. On the other hand, figuring out the IP-to-hostname mapping and scanning them individually beats heck outta going to each machine and trying to figure it out locally, in the absence of a better tool.
You can use code like this in your logonscript:
Check registry for spesific entries for the patch you are installing. If your running 2000/XP with different SP's the location are different.
Here's an example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP2\KB823980\description

pseudo code:
If patch = true then
exit function
Run Patch
end function

I have written a VBS script that will install a specified hotfix on PCs that you specify. It requires that you have administrative privs on the remote machines. You must download and extract "psexec.exe" to your %system% dir for this to work.

The script performs the following functions:
* Check to make sure app "psexec.exe" is installed in %system%
* Prompts admin for Machine ID, subnet to scan, or user-specified list.
* Prompts for patch to run (ie. Q824146.exe)
* Prompts for command-line switches
* Prompts for confirmation
* Verifies machines are on the network before installing.
* Verify machine is a Windows XP Professional Workstation before installing hotfix
* Verifies hotfix exists in location specified
* Executes and displays status in IE window.
* Logs results.

You can run this and cancel at anytime before you initialize the hotfix installation. Let me know if you have any questions.

-= j@ckle =-

' VBScript Source File -- Force Hotfix installation on Machines Specified
' NAME: installHotfix.vbs
' AUTHOR: Jason Spirko , Black & Veatch
' DATE : 09/19/2003
' COMMENT: Script will install hotfixes on machines specified

Option Explicit

' Define variables used throughout the script
' System objects & variables
Dim oFSO, oShell, oNetwork
Dim oTempFile, oTextStream, oLog, oIPList, xCount, nRet
Dim sep, blank, iRootPath, sRootPath, sScriptFullName
Dim sScriptName, iFullNameLen, iNameLen, sScriptFolder
Dim sFileName, sLogFolder, oLogFolder, oNoReply

Dim oService, oPCSystem, oIE, oSystem, cComputers, rComputer, oGroup
Dim oUser, oADSysInfo

' Miscellaneous variables used throughout script
Dim sLog ' Script results log file (HotfixResults.log)
Dim sIPLog ' List of IP addresses to search
Dim sNoReplyLog ' List of machine that did not reply
Dim bSearchInactiveIPs ' True/False value
Dim bReplyFound ' Boolean variable if ping is successful (Default = false)
Dim sTagID ' B&V Computer TagID
Dim sIPAddress(2000) ' Array currently holds ~2000 computers (increase as necessary)
Dim sCurrentPC ' PC currently being searched
Dim sSubnet ' Subnet to search
Dim iIP ' IP Address incremental integer
Dim sTempFile ' Temp file used to store & analyze ping results
Dim sCommand ' Sends ping command
Dim sReadLine ' Read tempPing.txt to TextStream

Dim sHotfixPath ' Path to hotfix location
Dim sHotfixName ' Name of hotfix to install
Dim sHotfixCMD ' Hotfix command line arguments
Dim sSystemPath ' Remote PC System Path
Dim sOSType ' Lists OS
Dim nAns ' Confirmation answer
Dim sScanID ' Select subnet to patch
Dim sConfirm ' Confirmation string
Dim xPCCount ' Counts how many PCs were processed
Dim sUserSpecified ' User specified tagID list
Dim sYou ' Current username
Dim sUserDN ' Active Directory distinguished name

' Miscellaneous constants used throughout script
Const HKLM = &H80000002
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const DeleteReadOnly = True
Const YesButton = 6
Const QuestionMark = 32
Const YesNo = 4

' Set file system object variables
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

' Set log file variables
sep = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
blank = " "

iRootPath = Len(sRootPath)
sScriptFullName = WScript.ScriptFullName
iFullNameLen = Len(sScriptFullName)
sFileName = WScript.ScriptName
iNameLen = Len(sFileName)
sScriptName = Left(sFileName, iNameLen - 4)
sScriptFolder = Left(sScriptFullName, iFullNameLen - (iNameLen + 1))
sLogFolder = sScriptFolder & "\" & sScriptName
sTagID = oNetwork.computername

' verify "psexec.exe" is installed on local machine
If Not oFSO.FileExists("C:\Windows\System32\psexec.exe") Then
MsgBox "You do not have the required files to complete a patch installation. Please download " & _
"psexec.exe from "B&V ANAR - Patch Installation"
End If
End If

' Prompt for subnet to patch
sScanID = InputBox("Please enter the TAGID to patch or pick a selection below:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
" 1. Install patch by subnet" & vbCRLF & _
" 2. User specified list" & vbCRLF, "B&V ANAR - Patch Installation")
If sScanID = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a valid selection or you clicked CANCEL. Patch installation cancelled.",, _
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation"
End If

' Create & specify log folder
If Not oFSO.FolderExists(sLogFolder) Then Set oLogFolder = oFSO.CreateFolder(sLogFolder)

bSearchInactiveIPs = False ' Search machines in inactive IP list

Select Case sScanID
Case "1"
sSubnet = InputBox("Clients with IPs 40-239 will be processed on the subnet you specify. Please " & _
"enter the subnet below (ie. 10.183.41. ):", "B&V ANAR - Patch Installation")
sIPLog = "C:\_subnetIPs.tmp"
sLog = sLogFolder & "\hotfixResults_subnet.log"
sNoReplyLog = sLogFolder & "\noReply_subnet.log"
Case "2"
bSearchInactiveIPs = True
sIPLog = "C:\_UserSpecificIPs.tmp"
sLog = sLogFolder & "\hotfixResults_UserSpecified.log"
sNoReplyLog = sLogFolder & "\noReply_UserSpecified.log"
sUserSpecified = InputBox("Please enter the entire path to your list of tagIDs (ie. C:\tagIDs.txt). " & _
"When creating your list, please only enter one (1) tagID per line.", _
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation")

' verify file exists
If Not oFSO.FileExists(sUserSpecified) Then
MsgBox "The file specified, " & sUserSpecified & " is invalid or does not exist. Patch installation cancelled.",,_
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation"
End If
Case Else
sIPLog = "C:\_reply" & sScanID& ".tmp"
sLog = sLogFolder & "\hotfixResults_" & sScanID & ".log"
sNoReplyLog = sLogFolder & "\noReply_" & sScanID & ".log"
End Select

sSystemPath = "\C$\Temp\"

' Prompt for hotfix name "Qxxxxxx.exe"
sHotfixName = InputBox ("Please enter the hotfix Qnumber to install" & vbCRLF & "(ie. Q824146.exe):", _
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation")
If sHotfixName = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a filename or you clicked CANCEL. Patch installation cancelled.",, _
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation"
End If

' Prompt for hotfix path (default: S:\Service Packs\Hotfixes)
sHotfixPath = InputBox("Please enter the path to the hotfix, or click OK to accept the default location.", _
"B&V ANAR - Path Installation", "S:\Service Packs\Hotfixes")
If sHotfixPath = "" Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a path or you clicked CANCEL. Patch installation cancelled.",, _
"B&V ANAR - Patch Installation"
End If

' Prompt for command line arguments
sHotfixCMD = InputBox ("Please enter any command line arguments you wish to pass during the installation. " & _
"Some of the more common switches are listed below:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
" -u" & vbTab & "unattended mode" & vbCRLF & _
" -f" & vbTab & "force programs to close when complete" & vbCRLF & _
" -n" & vbTab & "do not backup files for uninstall" & vbCRLF & _
" -o" & vbTab & "overwrite OEM files without prompting" & vbCRLF & _
" -z" & vbTab & "do not restart when installation is complete" & vbCRLF & _
" -q" & vbTab & "quiet mode (no user interaction)" & vbCRLF & _
" -l" & vbTab & "list installed Windows hotfixes" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Please enter required switches (ie. -u -z):", "B&V ANAR - Patch Installation")

' Prompt for comfirmation
Select Case sScanID
Case "1"
sConfirm = sSubnet & "40 - " & sSubnet & "239"
Case "2"
sConfirm = "User specified list"
Case Else
sConfirm = sScanID
End Select

nAns = oShell.Popup("Please confirm the following details:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Install on:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & sConfirm & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Hotfix Number:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & sHotfixName & " " & sHotfixCMD & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Hotfix location:" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
vbTab & sHotfixPath & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
"Are you sure you want to install the hotfix listed above?",, "B&V ANAR - Patch Installation", _
QuestionMark + YesNo)

If nAns <> YesButton Then
MsgBox &quot;Patch Installation cancelled by user.&quot;,,&quot;B&V ANAR - Patch Installation&quot;
End If

' Verify that Hotfix is located in S:\Hotfixes
If Not oFSO.FileExists(sHotfixPath & &quot;\&quot; & sHotfixName) Then
MsgBox &quot;Could not find required hotfix: &quot; & sHotfixPath & &quot;\&quot; & sHotfixName & _
&quot;. Patch installation cancelled.&quot;,,&quot;B&V ANAR - Patch Installation&quot;
End If

' Create log file
Set oLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sLog, ForWriting, True)

writelog(Now & &quot;:&quot; & vbTab & &quot;Script &quot; & sScriptName & &quot; Started&quot;)
writelog(&quot;Hotfix Number: &quot; & sHotfixName)
writelog(&quot;Hotfix Location: &quot; & sHotfixPath)
Select Case sScanID
Case &quot;1&quot;
writelog(&quot;Install on: &quot; & sSubnet & &quot;40 - &quot; & sSubnet & &quot;239&quot;)
Case &quot;2&quot;
writelog(&quot;Install on: User specified list&quot;)
Case Else
writelog(&quot;Install on: &quot; & sScanID)
End Select

' Specify subnets to search { format: setSubnet(&quot;XXX.XXX.XXX.&quot;) }

Set oIPList = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sIPLog, ForWriting, True)

Select Case sScanID
Case &quot;&quot;
MsgBox &quot;No machines selected. Patch installation cancelled.&quot;,, &quot;B&V ANAR - Patch Installation&quot;
Case &quot;1&quot;
Case &quot;2&quot;
Case Else
End Select



' initialize IE
xPCCount = 0

' write initial header in IE
writeIEBold(&quot;<font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; color=#0000FF size=2>Patch installation initiated at &quot; & Now() & &quot;.</font><br>&quot;)

' Scan and patch machine
If bSearchInactiveIPs = True Then
' Search for inactive computers
oFSO.CopyFile sUserSpecified, sIPLog

Set oIPList = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sIPLog, ForReading, True)
Set oNoReply = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sNoReplyLog, ForWriting, True)

Do While oIPList.AtEndOfStream <> True
sIPAddress(xCount) = oIPList.ReadLine
sCurrentPC = sIPAddress(xCount)
xCount = xCount + 1


' Search for specified computers
Set oIPList = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sIPLog, ForReading, True)
Set oNoReply = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sNoReplyLog, ForWriting, True)

Do While oIPList.AtEndOfStream <> True
sIPAddress(xCount) = oIPList.ReadLine
sCurrentPC = sIPAddress(xCount)
xCount = xCount + 1


End If

' Delete _listIPAddresses.tmp when complete

' Add final lines in log file and close
writelog(Now & &quot;:&quot; & vbTab & &quot;Script &quot; & sScriptName & &quot; Processing Complete&quot;)

WScript.Sleep 4000

' Add final lines in status windows and close
writeIEBold(&quot;<font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; size=2>&quot; & xPCCount & &quot; machines processed.</font>&quot;)
writeIEBold(&quot;<font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; color=#0000FF size=2>Patch installation completed at &quot; & Now() & &quot;.</font><br><br>&quot;)
writeIE(&quot;Please view the following log files for more information:<br>&quot;)
writeIEBold(&quot;Hotfix Results:&quot;)
writeIE(sLog & &quot;<br>&quot;)
writeIEBold(&quot;No Reply:&quot;)
writeIE(sNoReplyLog & &quot;<br>&quot;)

' Functions and subs go here

'** Function ****************
' writelog
' writes a line to log file
Function writelog(input)
oLog.Writeline input
End Function

'** Function ****************
' writereply
' writes a line to log file
Function writereply(input)
oNoReply.Writeline input
End Function

'** Function ********************************
' setSubnet
' searches DHCP clients in specified subnet
Function setSubnet(sSubnet)

' Start DHCP scope at 40
iIP = 40

' loop thru all IPs until 240
Do While Not iIP = 240
oIPList.WriteLine(sSubnet & iIP)
' Increment IP address + 1
iIP = iIP + 1

End Function

'** Function ********************************
' IsValidPing
' checks if machine is available
Function IsValidPing(sCurrentPC)

' Set default return value.
bReplyFound = False

Select Case sScanID
Case &quot;1&quot;
sTempFile = &quot;C:\_ping_subnet.tmp&quot;
Case &quot;2&quot;
sTempFile = &quot;C:\_ping_UserSpecified.tmp&quot;
Case Else
sTempFile = &quot;C:\_ping_&quot; & sScanID & &quot;.tmp&quot;
End Select

' Create command line to ping and save results to a temp file.
sCommand = &quot;cmd /c ping -n 1 -w 500 &quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; > &quot; & sTempFile

' Execute the command
oShell.run sCommand,0,True

' Open the temp file.
Set oTempFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sTempFile, ForReading, True)

' Loop through the temp file to see if ping was successful.
Do While oTempFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
sReadLine = oTempFile.ReadLine
' if &quot;reply from&quot; is found in temp file then ping was successful.
If Instr(LCase(sReadLine), &quot;reply from&quot;) > 0 Then
bReplyFound = True
Exit Do
End If

If bReplyFound = True Then
'WScript.Echo &quot;Processing : &quot; & sCurrentPC
'WScript.Echo &quot;Error : &quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; machine unavailable.&quot;
writeIEBold(&quot;<font color=#FF0000>Error : &quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; is unavailable.</font><br>&quot;)
writelog(&quot;Error : &quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; is unavailable.&quot;)
End If

' Close temp file and release objects.
Set oTempFile = Nothing

End Function

'** Function ********************************
' installHotfix
' searches DHCP clients in specified subnet
Function installHotfix(sCurrentPC)

' check operating system
Set oSystem = GetObject(&quot;winMgmts:\\&quot; & sCurrentPC)
Set cComputers = oSystem.ExecQuery(&quot;SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem&quot;)

For Each rComputer In cComputers
sOSType = rComputer.Caption

'Get tagID & username
Set oService = GetObject(&quot;winMgmts:\\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot;\root\cimv2&quot;)
Set oPCSystem = oService.InstancesOf(&quot;Win32_ComputerSystem&quot;)

For Each oPCSystem In oPCSystem
sTagID = oPCSystem.Name

' if OS = Windows XP then continue
If sOSType = &quot;Microsoft Windows XP Professional&quot; Then
' display current PC being processed
writeIEBold(&quot;Now processing: &quot; & sTagID)
'oIE.Document.write &quot;<ul>&quot;

' copy hotfix & shutdown script to remote machine
writeIEList(&quot;Copying necessary files...&quot;)
oFSO.CopyFile sHotfixPath & &quot;\&quot; & sHotfixName, &quot;\\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot;\C$\Temp\&quot; & sHotfixName, True
oFSO.CopyFile _
&quot;\\NA\Data\Branch\AnnArbor\Departments\DEPT-3545\Public\Support\Installs\Scripts\shutdown_PC.vbe&quot;, _
&quot;\\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot;\C$\Windows\System32\shutdown_PC.vbe&quot;, True

' Run hotfix on remote machine
writeIEList(&quot;Executing hotfix...&quot;)
sCommand = &quot;psexec \\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; C:\Temp\&quot; & sHotfixName & &quot; &quot; & sHotfixCMD
oShell.Run sCommand, 0, True

' delete hotfix file
writeIEList(&quot;Removing temporary files...&quot;)
oFSO.DeleteFile(&quot;\\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot;\C$\Temp\&quot; & sHotfixName)

' schedule machine reboot
writeIEList(&quot;Scheduling machine reboot & midnight...&quot;)
'oIE.Document.write &quot;</ul>&quot;
writelog (sTagID & &quot; : &quot; & sHotfixName & &quot; : Install complete&quot;)
sCommand = &quot;AT \\&quot; & sCurrentPC & &quot; 0:00 shutdown_PC.vbe&quot;
oShell.Run sCommand, 0, True
writeIEBold(&quot;Processing complete: &quot; & sTagID)
oIE.Document.write &quot;<br>&quot;
writelog (sTagID & &quot;: non-Windows XP machine&quot;)
End If

xPCCount = xPCCount + 1

End Function

'** Sub ***************************
' exitScript
' Exit script and release objects
Sub exitScript

Set oFSO = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing
Set oNetwork = Nothing
Set oSystem = Nothing
Set oTempFile = Nothing
Set oTextStream = Nothing
Set oLog = Nothing
Set oIPList = Nothing
Set oLogFolder = Nothing
Set oNoReply = Nothing
Set oService = Nothing
Set oPCSystem = Nothing
Set oIE = Nothing
Set oGroup = Nothing
Set oUser = Nothing
Set oADSysInfo = Nothing


End Sub

'** Sub ********************
' setupIE
' Initialize IE environment
Sub setupIE
Set oIE = CreateObject(&quot;InternetExplorer.Application&quot;)
oIE.MenuBar = False
oIE.ToolBar = 0
oIE.Height = 300
oIE.Width = 550
oIE.StatusBar = False
oIE.Navigate &quot;about:blank&quot;
oIE.Visible = True
oIE.Document.write &quot;<title>B&V ANAR - Patch Installation</Title>&quot;
oIE.Document.write &quot;</head><body>&quot;
oIE.Document.write &quot;<p align=&quot;&quot;left&quot;&quot;>&quot;
End Sub

'** Function ***************
' writeIE
' Writes line in IE
Function writeIE(input)
oIE.Document.write &quot;<font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; size=2>&quot; & vbTab & input & &quot;</font><br>&quot;
End Function

'** Function ********************
' writeIEList
' Writes line in IE with bullets
Function writeIEList(input)
oIE.Document.write &quot;<li><font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; size=2>&quot; & vbTab & input & &quot;</font></li><br>&quot;
End Function

'** Function ***************
' writeIEBold
' Writes line in IE
Function writeIEBold(input)
oIE.Document.write &quot;<strong><font face=&quot;&quot;Arial&quot;&quot; size=2>&quot; & input & &quot;</font></strong><br>&quot;
End function

' ******************************* END OF SCRIPT *******************************
Hi all,

Why dont use SUS 1.1 to install ALL new updates and Hfnetchk to validate that it works as planed.

It takes about 2 houres to setup and is a &quot;by MS supported solution&quot;.

We have it running for over 1000-users and it workes fine.

// Wibbe

I would love to use Microsoft SUS 1.1 to deploy hotfixes to my office. Although my situation does not allow this in the regional office I work in. Our network is centrally &quot;administered&quot; (I use this term lightly) and HQ has done a poor job in the past maintaining the hotfixes and service packs on our machines.

Since I do not have privs to access the servers at our location, but I have local administrative privs I am forced to find alternative methods to deploying hotfixes.

You cannot imagine the level of frustration I have knowing I could easily perform these installations using other methods if I had the privs. So this works for me and I scan the machines using HFNetChkPro 4.0 to ensure the patches we applied successfully.

Enough of my sob story......

nobody knows everything about IT, so make a point to help your fellow members

-= j@ckle =-
Hi j4ckl3,

I'm not very good in .VBS so my question might seem stupid. So I apologise right now.

I had to correct line 92 (there was a ; not needed)and line 95 (two twice &quot;end if&quot;). I hope I didn't screw anything up.

I also had to modify &quot;windows&quot; by &quot;WINNT&quot; at line 90 and 467 to be able to use it in W2k.

When I enter a computer name in the first box of the script I always get &quot;Erroe : station is unavailable&quot;

What am I suppose to enter the computer name and how do I put more than one. Option 2 says that it's to enter by username.

You didn't do anything stupid. These are some of my mistakes. The problem is this script is very customized and I tried to quickly generalize it for this post.

The other problem is this is not written to run on W2K. It will check to make sure that the machine is a Windows XP workstation before applying any patch.

How far does the script get before you receive an error? What line does it error on? Does this look like something you would want to use?

If you want I will look at generalizing this a little further and send you the code instead of pasting such a large script to the post. Just let me know.

This script is slow in processing machines, but it's better than sneaker-net!!

nobody knows everything about IT, so make a point to help your fellow members

-= j@ckle =-
I don't even get a vbscript error.

The Internet explorer page open and I get the following:

2003-09-30 16:25:58: Script script Started

Hotfix Number: q315000.exe
Hotfix Location: c:\patch2
Install on: poste01-cdgi


Error : poste01-cdgi is unavailable.

2003-09-30 16:25:59: Script script Processing Complete

poste01-cdgi being the workstation I need to apply hotfix to. I tried using the IP adress with no success. I'm logged as a Domain admin

It shouldn't change anything but the OS of the computer to be updated is Windows XP pro french edition. Basically Windows is the same, it's only the interface that is different from one language to another.

Thanks for your help.

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