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inserting quotation marks into a string 2

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Aug 4, 2003
I have to insert some quotation marks into a string. One “ after the sixth blank ond one “ befor the last
but one “ in the string (blank between “ and the last but one “). Mabe someone can help me, because
I’m not too familiar with C. I can use ANSI-C only.

The strings look like this: - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:26 +0200] 200 277 POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:25 +0200] 200 277 POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:25 +0200] 200 902 POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:25 +0200] 200 197 GET /release_110d/config/messages_stlg.txt
HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:25 +0200] 200 2198 GET /release_110d/images/logo_applet_stlg.jar
HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:24 +0200] 200 197 GET /release_110d/config/messages_stlg.txt
HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)" - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:24 +0200] 200 7339 POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)"

The code I use to read/write input/output is

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

char rfilename [ NAME_MAX + 1 ];
char wfilename [ NAME_MAX + 1 ];
FILE *rfp, *wfp;
int i;
char str[ S_LEN ];
char *str_addr;
char *add_str = "\x22";

if ( argc == 3 )


strncpy ( rfilename, argv [ 1 ], NAME_MAX );
rfilename [ NAME_MAX ] = '\0';

strncpy ( wfilename, argv [ 2 ], NAME_MAX );
wfilename [ NAME_MAX ] = '\0';

fprintf (stderr, "Aufruf: %s inputfile outputfile\n", argv[ 0 ] );
return 1;

rfp = fopen ( rfilename , "rb" );
if ( rfp == NULL )

fprintf (stderr, "%s: Error opening %s for reading! \n", argv[ 0 ],rfilename );
perror ( "Reason" );
return EXIT_OREAD;

wfp = fopen ( wfilename , "wb" );
if ( wfp == NULL )

fprintf (stderr, "%s: Error opening %s for writing! \n", argv[ 0 ],wfilename );
perror ( "Reason" );

while ( ( str_addr = fgets ( str, S_LEN, rfp )) != NULL )


fprintf(wfp, " %s ",str_addr);


if ( ferror ( wfp ) )
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: Error writing to file %s ! \n" , argv[ 0 ], wfilename );
perror ( "Reason" );
fclose ( rfp );
fclose ( wfp );

fclose ( rfp );
fclose ( wfp );
return EXIT_OKAY;
there are a lot of triks and rules to obtain this
depending os and compiler: see the best for you

1) use a \" printf(" hfdjhkfdj \"Mozilla ....\" " ) ;
2) a double "" printf(" hfdjhkfj ""Mozilla ....\" " ) ;
3) a %c for " printf( "%c%s%c\n", '"', "Mozzilla", '"' ) ;

note: in 3) before and after "Mozzilla" you have a (I put here extra spaces): ' " '

sure someone will know others .

#1 above is ANSI C. It's also the clearest.

#2 above is not ANSI C.

#3 above is ANSI C.
Thanks a lot so far, but I need more help. Normaly I'm programming with Oracle9i.
1. How to locate the the sixth blank
2. How to find the “ befor the last but one “

Sorry for not describing this problem excact.
Hi Peter.

I have written some code which deals with your problem. Look at the code below (sorry if it isn't clear - the function that inserts quotes is called InsertQuotes):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char *InsertQuotes(char *);

int main (void)
  char *TestString = &quot; - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:26 +0200] 200 277 POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 \&quot;Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)\&quot;&quot;;
  char RetString[200];

  printf(&quot;TestString:   %s\n&quot;, TestString);
  strcpy(RetString, InsertQuotes(TestString));
  printf(&quot;ReturnString: %s\n&quot;, RetString);

  return 0;

char *InsertQuotes(char *InputString)
  int InpChar = 0, RetChar = 0;
  int CharCount = 0;
  char ReturnString1[200];
  char ReturnString2[200];

  for (InpChar = 0; InpChar < strlen(InputString); InpChar++)
    if (InputString[InpChar] == ' ')
      CharCount++;      // Count Spaces

    ReturnString1[RetChar] = InputString[InpChar];

    if (CharCount == 6) // If sixth space...
      RetChar++;        // ...set next as quote...
      ReturnString1[RetChar] = '\&quot;';
      CharCount++;    // ...and ignore other spaces.

  ReturnString1[RetChar] = '\0'; // End of string with 1st &quot;.

  RetChar = strlen(ReturnString1) + 1;
  CharCount = 0;
  for (InpChar = strlen(ReturnString1); InpChar >= 0; InpChar--)
    if (ReturnString1[InpChar] == '\&quot;')

    ReturnString2[RetChar] = ReturnString1[InpChar];

    if (CharCount == 2) // If second-last quote...
      RetChar--;        // ...set previous as quote...
      ReturnString2[RetChar] = '\&quot;';
      CharCount++;    // ...and ignore other quotes.


  return (ReturnString2);
Hope that is useful... :)

Hi Adonai,
thanks a lot. I think that this is a perfect solution.
But sorry, my Compiler has this output.

Wedit output window build: Tue Aug 05 17:55:05 2003
Warning &quot;c:\dokumente und einstellungen\administrator\desktop\add.c&quot;: 62 pointer to local 'ReturnString2' is an illegal return value
Compilation + link time:0.1 sec, Return code: 0

Maybe you know better what means illegal.

> char ReturnString2[200];
Local variables go out of scope when a function returns, which means any pointer to a local variable is also out of scope.

The quick fix is
static char ReturnString2[200];

However, the fixed-sized string creates its own set of problems (what if the result doesn't fit?)
Generally speaking, the caller should provide the space for the answer (say like strcat() does)
void InsertQuotes(char *InputString, char *OutputString);
hi adholioshake and salem,
thank you very much for your good support.
It works and I'm happy.

hi adholioshake and salem,
sorry, but I have a litte problem. I tried to load the outputstring into Oracle with the bulk loader.It's nessecary that the outputstring looks like - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:26 +0200] 200 277 POST &quot;/xmlcom HTTP/1.1&quot; &quot;Mozilla/4.0
instead of - [27/Apr/2003:00:00:26 +0200] 200 277 &quot;POST /xmlcom HTTP/1.1 &quot;&quot;Mozilla/4.0
If you could help me please.

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