Hi guys,
I am a newbie programmer in VBA and facing a lot of difficulties with it. I am creating a simple project which allows the user to add, update, delete and find records from a set of tables.
I am working on the Insert data module. I essentially have to populate 2 tables from the inputs given by the user on Access forms.
1) One of the inputs in the form is of attachments (Access 2007). I dont know how to read and store these in the table. I also have text boxes, drop downs and memo type variables in the table. How should I read the information form the form to store it in a table. This is the code I am using but does not work.
Private Sub AddRecord_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblManagerInfo ([FirstName],[LastName],[StAddress],[State]," _
& "[Country],,[Phone],[Fax],[Website],[AssetsUnderManagement],[Notes])" _
& "VALUES (AddFirstName,AddLastName,AddStAddress,AddState,AddCountry,AddEmail," _
& "AddPhone,AddFax,AddWebsite,AddAUM,AddNotes)"
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblInvestment ([FirstName],[LastName],[FundName],[StrategyMainCategory]," _
& "[StrategySubCategory],[MinCommitment],[TargetReturn],[Leverage],[Fees],[Geography]," _
& "[Likelyhood],[Status],[Source],[OtherLPs])" _
& "Value(AddFirstName, AddLastName, AddFundName, AddStrategyMainCategory, " _
& "AddStrategySubCategory, AddMinCommitment, AddTargetReturn, AddLeverage, AddFees, " _
& "AddGeography, AddLikelyhood, AddStatus, AddSource, AddOtherLPs)"
End Sub
2) I also have a criteria that if the certain fields (PKs) are not populated then the Inserts operation should not go ahead.
If AddFirstName = Null Or AddLastName = Null Or AddFundName = Null Then
X = MsgBox("Please Enter the Fields with the * mark", vbCritical, "Incomplete form")
End If
Even before this runs the DoCmd.RunSql command runs, even if I out the DoCmd.RunSql in the Else part of the If statement. I just cannot figure this out. Its kinda frustrating. Please help.
I am a newbie programmer in VBA and facing a lot of difficulties with it. I am creating a simple project which allows the user to add, update, delete and find records from a set of tables.
I am working on the Insert data module. I essentially have to populate 2 tables from the inputs given by the user on Access forms.
1) One of the inputs in the form is of attachments (Access 2007). I dont know how to read and store these in the table. I also have text boxes, drop downs and memo type variables in the table. How should I read the information form the form to store it in a table. This is the code I am using but does not work.
Private Sub AddRecord_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblManagerInfo ([FirstName],[LastName],[StAddress],[State]," _
& "[Country],,[Phone],[Fax],[Website],[AssetsUnderManagement],[Notes])" _
& "VALUES (AddFirstName,AddLastName,AddStAddress,AddState,AddCountry,AddEmail," _
& "AddPhone,AddFax,AddWebsite,AddAUM,AddNotes)"
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblInvestment ([FirstName],[LastName],[FundName],[StrategyMainCategory]," _
& "[StrategySubCategory],[MinCommitment],[TargetReturn],[Leverage],[Fees],[Geography]," _
& "[Likelyhood],[Status],[Source],[OtherLPs])" _
& "Value(AddFirstName, AddLastName, AddFundName, AddStrategyMainCategory, " _
& "AddStrategySubCategory, AddMinCommitment, AddTargetReturn, AddLeverage, AddFees, " _
& "AddGeography, AddLikelyhood, AddStatus, AddSource, AddOtherLPs)"
End Sub
2) I also have a criteria that if the certain fields (PKs) are not populated then the Inserts operation should not go ahead.
If AddFirstName = Null Or AddLastName = Null Or AddFundName = Null Then
X = MsgBox("Please Enter the Fields with the * mark", vbCritical, "Incomplete form")
End If
Even before this runs the DoCmd.RunSql command runs, even if I out the DoCmd.RunSql in the Else part of the If statement. I just cannot figure this out. Its kinda frustrating. Please help.