Hi All,
I write a program to port Excel data to two tables in
Mas90. The first table is IM_04AliasItemNumber, data
populated in OK.
However, when data ported in IM1_InventoryMasterfile,
data in first 16 fields looks ok, after 16th field,
some of them are ok, some go messy.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Spec :
Mas 90
ODBC : ProvideX ODBC Drivers 3.32
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 / Excel 8.0
VB 6.0-SP5/ADO/SQL Commands
I write a program to port Excel data to two tables in
Mas90. The first table is IM_04AliasItemNumber, data
populated in OK.
However, when data ported in IM1_InventoryMasterfile,
data in first 16 fields looks ok, after 16th field,
some of them are ok, some go messy.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Spec :
Mas 90
ODBC : ProvideX ODBC Drivers 3.32
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 / Excel 8.0
VB 6.0-SP5/ADO/SQL Commands