I'm rethinking some previously written queries for a website. The site is VB.NET 2 with Access2k3 on the backside.
Right now, I have a series of queries that mixes with user input to build another query. Here's some pseudocode to illustrate
Question can and how exactly do I do something to the effect of:
And even if the above is possible, is there a better way? My SQL optimization skills are a little subpar.
Thanks in advance for help.
"If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid."
-Murphy's Military Laws
I'm rethinking some previously written queries for a website. The site is VB.NET 2 with Access2k3 on the backside.
Right now, I have a series of queries that mixes with user input to build another query. Here's some pseudocode to illustrate
Dim user_rowid As Integer = "SELECT user_rowid FROM tblUsers Where username = '" & User.Identity.Name & "'"
Dim paytype_rowid As Integer = "SELECT paytype_rowid FROM tblPayTypes Where title = '" & Request.Form("ddlPayType") & "'"
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tblData (user_rowid, fld1, fld2, ... , paytype_rowid) VALUES (" & user_rowid & "," & Request.Form("fld1") & "," & Request.Form("fld2") & "," & ... & "," & paytype_rowid & ")"
Question can and how exactly do I do something to the effect of:
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tblData (user_rowid, fld1, fld2, ... , paytype_rowid) VALUES ((SELECT user_rowid FROM tblUsers WHERE username = " & User.Identity.Name & ")," & Request.Form("fld1") & "," & Request.Form("fld2") & "," & ... & ",(SELECT paytype_rowid FROM tblPayTypes WHERE title = " & Request.Fomr("ddlPayType") & "))"
And even if the above is possible, is there a better way? My SQL optimization skills are a little subpar.
Thanks in advance for help.
"If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid."
-Murphy's Military Laws