I'm getting a Syntax Error on the following statement...
<cfquery name="add_photo" datasource="domicron">
INSERT INTO photos (id,photo_name,album_id,photo_date,caption,descrip,random,include) VALUES (#form.id#,'#form.photo_name#',#form.album_id#,#form.photo_date#,'#form.caption#','#form.descrip#',#form.random#,#form.include#)
ID = AutoNumber
photo_name = Text
album_id = Number
photo_date = Date/Time
caption = Text
descrip = Memo
random = Yes/No
include = Yes/No
I'm using this variable to generate the date/time value:
<cfset form.photo_date = CreateDate(form.year, form.month, form.day)>
The form values all return fine when I call them in a <cfoutput> tag. Still getting the error though.
Any help would be sweet. Let me know if you guys need anymore info.
Thanks in advance.
<cfquery name="add_photo" datasource="domicron">
INSERT INTO photos (id,photo_name,album_id,photo_date,caption,descrip,random,include) VALUES (#form.id#,'#form.photo_name#',#form.album_id#,#form.photo_date#,'#form.caption#','#form.descrip#',#form.random#,#form.include#)
ID = AutoNumber
photo_name = Text
album_id = Number
photo_date = Date/Time
caption = Text
descrip = Memo
random = Yes/No
include = Yes/No
I'm using this variable to generate the date/time value:
<cfset form.photo_date = CreateDate(form.year, form.month, form.day)>
The form values all return fine when I call them in a <cfoutput> tag. Still getting the error though.
Any help would be sweet. Let me know if you guys need anymore info.
Thanks in advance.