This post is related to but since it was starred and such, i figured it wouldnt get as much attention.
To expand on the previous topic. If anyone has used this i have another question.
I have placed an InkPicture control on my form. I creatively named it inkPicture. When you save an InkPicture you can only save it as an array of bytes, but you can specify what type of file can be made with the bytes. (confusing?...yes)
My code right now:
Now this does everything its supposed to be. The only problem is, the file that it created will not open with any image applications. Paint, IE, Microsoft Image on. Paint generates the error "Paint cannot read this file". IE generates a broken image icon.
Am i writing it to the file wrong? Any ideas on how to export a byte array to a gif image?
To expand on the previous topic. If anyone has used this i have another question.
I have placed an InkPicture control on my form. I creatively named it inkPicture. When you save an InkPicture you can only save it as an array of bytes, but you can specify what type of file can be made with the bytes. (confusing?...yes)
My code right now:
Private Sub cmdAccept_Click()
Dim theSavedInk() As Byte
theSavedInk = inkPicture.Ink.Save(2)
Dim FileHandle As Integer
FileHandle = FreeFile
Open "c:\omg.gif" For Output As #FileHandle
Write #FileHandle, theSavedInk
Close #FileHandle
End Sub
Am i writing it to the file wrong? Any ideas on how to export a byte array to a gif image?