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Indexing on PageMaker 2

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Technical User
Aug 18, 2001
Hi ya'll, I am indexing a 300+ pictorial book in PM using XP-os. I have done this with text heavy books successfully. It is in 5 chapters, booked into one document. I open each chapter and minimize it, and as I am creating a last name only index, I use the "Change" box. It will work fine for a short time and then PM stops responding. I am of course on a deadline and need help QUICK! if possible. My PM ver. is 6.5. I have 7.0 but have not installed it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Malinda
There could be any number of things happening here... these are the ones that getcha, deadline and all. First, PM6.5 is not certified for XP, and user of 7.0 are reporting problems on XP also.

Was XP an upgrade or a new install? If it was an upgrade, then you can run into all kinds of issues. If upgrading install XP on a clean partition rather than overwrite the existing vs of the OS.

Do you defrag frequently? How much RAM? How much free HD space? With XP I would recommend a minimum of 256M with PM. Also, if you are running Nortons AV, turn it off. NAV crashes me frequently when I forget to disable it. And you need a min of 300M of free HD space (which is hardly ever a problem with HDs being as cheap as they are now). And shut down any unecessary apps that are running when you do this.

It could also be a font problem. How many fonts do you have installed? Do you use a font management program? I recommend 100 fonts max.

I hope these suggestions point you in the right direction. let us know if they help or not, and then we can take it from there.
When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Well I thought I was home free, but I guess not. I refined my system, I removed NAV, since it is a dedicated non-internet system, I closed most of the start menu items, and it actually worked for about 15 min. without crashing. So I am removing the photos from the document and am going to try that. If that doesn't sound right, let me know. Thanks
You are on the right track.

What sort of images are in the pub? I personally recommend that you use only TIFF or EPS images unless you have a pressing requirement to use other formats. Also, always use PM's "place" command to insert images. Never copy & paste them. When PM asks you if you want to "include" the image inte pub, check "no". Any of these can contribute to an unstable document.

Also, remember to frequently save, and save as. Make a back up in a different folder in case this document becomes so currupted that you cannot open it.

When you do get it fixed, make a copy in a different folder, and then never open this one again or you can risk it becoming so corrupt that it will be unusable.

Hope this helps. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
I am now using xp pro with pagemaker 6.5 and it seems ok so far.
My system does not crash. I also have a gig of RAM
I use tif and I always copy,from adobe, and paste.
my xp pro was a new install not upgrade.
good luck

How much free hard drive space do you have, and when was the last scan disk/defrag? Those are still, in my mind, the primary culprits. PM requires quite a bit of swap space.


You will be able to copy/paste safely for most applications, however, if the end product is being made into a PDF for pre-press, copy/paste can cause all kinds of problems. If all you are doing is printing a doc to a bubblejet printer, then you would probably never have a problem. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Well I have the index finished (I hope). I didn't layout the book, so I am not sure how the pics (tiff) were inserted. But I ended up removing all of the pics and working with just the text. Now I have to figure out how to combine a new edition of the manuscript.
This is a new dedicated (for books only) computer with gobs of memory.XP was a clean install, I defragged before starting the index. I took all extraneous programs out of the start up folder. I am having other problems now with printing. I am spending so much time getting this system lined out, I can't get any work done.
Can anyone tell me if when creating an index for a large publication, would I be better off placing the pics on a separate layer, thus leaving nothing but the text to deal with? I have never done this, but am willing to try.
Thanks sooo much everyone, I can't tell you how nice it is to have a forum to ask questions like this. Malinda
I have found that keeping max chapter size to 30 pages reduces problems. Also, PM6.52 predates WinXP by many, many years. There may be some problems that may not be solved without upgrading to 7.0 and installing the 7.01 patch.

You may try uninstalling PM, reinstalling under admin, then creating another user with admin privileges and running PM under that user.

For pics, if this is destined for prepress then place them using PM's place command, do not "include" them however. A link is sufficient. When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
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