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increase increment 5

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Sep 5, 2002
Hi people.
i've reached a dead end with this one. i want for this to happen:
every time a link is pressed a number in a text area should increase by 1.sumthing like this:
5 Add
add would be the link. so everytime u click on add the number in the textarea here being 5 would increase by 1.
So if i was to click add it would show 6 and then 7 and so on.
does anyone know of a solution to my challenge?
any help would be appreciated.
thanx -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
function addIt(){


<input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;txt&quot; value=5><a href=&quot;javascript:addIt()&quot;>Add</a>

<Script language=&quot;jscript&quot;>
function increase() {
  var inpt = document.getElementById(&quot;counter&quot;);
  inpt.value = inpt.value + 1;
<input id=&quot;counter&quot; value=&quot;0&quot;>
<a href=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;increase();&quot;>add</a>
Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
thanx guys. you were both very helpful.
u both deserve stars. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
i got this script wrkin fine.so hw would i use gifs as the numbers, if i have 0.gif to 9.gif.
so the script will still do the same function but use gifs instead.
like when u press add and the value is 9,it will use both 1.gif and 0.gif to make 10.
if this is posible can anyone direct me please. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
How many digits is it likely to get to? Hope I helped / Thanks for helping
if ((x<10&&y<10) &&(((parseInt(x.toString()+y.toString())-x-y)%9)!=0)){ alert(&quot;I'm a monkey's uncle&quot;); }
it would reach a maximum of 5 digits. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-

<!--assume images named 0.gif-9.gif-->

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
var numberClicks = &quot;-1&quot;;
function addClick(){
var tempNumber = parseInt(numberClicks);
var htmlString = &quot;&quot;;
numberClicks = &quot;&quot; + tempNumber;
var i;
for(i=0; i<numberClicks.length; i++){
htmlString += &quot;<img src='&quot; + numberClicks.charAt(i) + &quot;.gif'>&quot;
numberImages.innerHTML = htmlString;


<a id=&quot;numberImages&quot;></a><a href=&quot;javascript:addClick()&quot;>Add</a>

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
Cheyney, your script works like a dream. exactly what i needed, but there is sumthing that i would like to happen.

at the moment everytime i close the browser and then the number refreshes back to 0. i dont want that to happen. what i want is that whateva the number is at, say 17 it should set that as the default number. so when i start a new session 17 would be the number i see.
is this possible cos i'v noticedeven with the other scripts it does the same. -Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
you can use cookies to keep track of the count on a computer. There are plenty of how-to's on the web regarding cookies.

cookies will keep the count distinct to the client computer (if they're enabled on that computer). If you want to keep a count distinct to the whole application (like a page counter, where a visitor sees the sum of everyones clicks), you need to use some server side option, like asp or jsp.

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