Hi All 
OK, I have a Proliant ML 370, it has 3 x 18.2Gig drives configured as Raid 1 (1 logical 18.2gig drive , mirrored with online spare) and runs Redhat linux 7.3.
I need to increase the disk size considerably, so I have me 3 x 76gig replacement drives.
What is the best way of :
1) adding the drives.
a)power off, swap, rebuild rinse and repeat; or
b)whip one out and rebuild a new drive , rinse and repeat.
2) what is teh best method for allocating the addidtional space under Redhat:
a) new partition
b) extend existing partition
3) what are the risks to the data in these processes?
I have read other threads of a similar nature in this forum, but none seemed to cover redhat as the OS, and there seemed not to be a favoured way of changing the disks.
Also will the raid controller config need changing (via smart start) if the size of teh drives changes?
thanks in advance,
There's no present like the time, they say. - Henry's Cat.
OK, I have a Proliant ML 370, it has 3 x 18.2Gig drives configured as Raid 1 (1 logical 18.2gig drive , mirrored with online spare) and runs Redhat linux 7.3.
I need to increase the disk size considerably, so I have me 3 x 76gig replacement drives.
What is the best way of :
1) adding the drives.
a)power off, swap, rebuild rinse and repeat; or
b)whip one out and rebuild a new drive , rinse and repeat.
2) what is teh best method for allocating the addidtional space under Redhat:
a) new partition
b) extend existing partition
3) what are the risks to the data in these processes?
I have read other threads of a similar nature in this forum, but none seemed to cover redhat as the OS, and there seemed not to be a favoured way of changing the disks.
Also will the raid controller config need changing (via smart start) if the size of teh drives changes?
thanks in advance,
There's no present like the time, they say. - Henry's Cat.