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Incoming SMTP problems.. Please help!

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Mar 10, 2003

Yesterday I put our new exchange2000 server in, and everything is working fine, apart from incoming SMTP mail from some domains - it gets bounced with something along these lines to the sender:

Final-Recipient: rfc822;stepheng@<mydomain>.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 request denied

Note these addresses have been created on each mail box, so they do exists here, and I've added the external domain name that the mail is being sent to as the default email domain in the recipient policy. Mail from most domains gets delivered with no problem, just a few certain domains get bounced (hotmail.com, yahoo.com and microsoft.com are all doing this).

I can send mail to external addresses fine, so I'm fairly sure this is my screw up.

Some info on my setup:

-The exchange server is behind a firewall, and you can telnet to the mail server fine from outside.
-The <mydomain>.com domain is hosted by our ISP, and the internal AD domain is called domain.local (the AD dns server has no idea about our ISP's DNS , all external name resolving is handled by the firewall/router).
-our incoming SMTP mail is forwarded to us by our ISP, and I can telnet into my mail server from the internet with no problems.
-I've set the FQDN in SMTP virtual server->properties ->delivery-> advanced to the same as the MX record our ISP's DNS server. Doing this was probably completely wrong, but it didn't work before I did this either, so what the hell...

It appears that the exchange server is recieving mail (which suggests it's not a DNS issue), it's just not delivering it to the correct mail boxes and bouncing it... I can see the SMTP attempts and rejections on the firewall monitor...

I'm in a serious bind here, I've spent my whole weekend trying to fix this :/ If anyone could help, I would be eternally grateful, and shower you with gifts...

Yours hopefully,
stephen gaffney

Some questions:
Does your firewall 'do' anything with the mail or is is just forwarding it?
Why did you add the external domains to the recipient policy? There is no need for that as you do not need to resolve the external domains + when you would try to send to one, your server will think it is local. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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What I mean is, I added @<mydomain>.com as the default email domain, so all the default smtp addresses for each mailbox on the server are blah@mydomain.com.

The firewall does nothing to the mail, just forwards it.

We've got no problem sending mail out, just recieving from certain domains.

Can it have anything to do with this article?
We cannot test things ourselves from here, but send a testmali from Hotmail or so and post the full error please. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
Free Tip: The F1 Key does NOT destroy your PC!
That article is a similar problem, but not mine unfortuatley...

This is the full error I get when trying to mail me@mydomain.com from hotmail....

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.


Reporting-MTA: dns;hotmail.com
Received-From-MTA: dns;mail.hotmail.com
Arrival-Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 06:50:39 -0800

Final-Recipient: rfc822;stepheng@mydomain.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 request denied

250 OK
250 OK
il.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung0929@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung110@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung111@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung1111@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung1130@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung1207@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung123j@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung1314@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
550 5.1.1 <joung1485@hanmail.net>... No such user
250 2.1.5 <joung1486@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung2228@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung227@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <joung2323@hanmail.net>... Recipient ok
250 2.1.5 <



The 5.0.0 Status indicates one or more of the following possibilities:

- There is no route for the given address space, for example, an SMTP connector is configured, but this address does not match.
- DNS returned an authoritative host that was not found for the domain.
- The routing group does not have a connector defined; mail from one server in one routing group does not have a route to another routing group.
- An SMTP Protocol error occurred

Correct or add an address space of type SMTP with asterisk (*) value to one or more SMTP connectors; verify that DNS is working; make sure that routing groups have connectors connecting them. Also, if not on Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1, apply Service Pack 1 to narrow the issue down. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
Free Tip: The F1 Key does NOT destroy your PC!
Make sure that at least one of your recipient policies includes the domain that you expect to be recieving for.
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