Looking for advise in replacing a power supply.
I have an older eMachine T3990. I added a second 80gig hard drive and CD drive. Currently it has 512meg of RAM. Use it mostly to covert my vinyl records to CD and to copy the iPod. Or convert 35mm slides to digital images. Have experienced recently it just shutting down and rebooting in the middle of something. Researching, it appears the power supply was marginal to start. Using the online “compute the power consumption of your machine” its needs should never top 500 watts.
Is there a brand to stay away from? Can you suggest two or three options. I don’t want to go on the cheap, but also don’t want to spent more on a power supply than the rest of the computer is worth.
As this machine is several years old I was also considering replacing the case fan and CPU cooling fan.
I have an older eMachine T3990. I added a second 80gig hard drive and CD drive. Currently it has 512meg of RAM. Use it mostly to covert my vinyl records to CD and to copy the iPod. Or convert 35mm slides to digital images. Have experienced recently it just shutting down and rebooting in the middle of something. Researching, it appears the power supply was marginal to start. Using the online “compute the power consumption of your machine” its needs should never top 500 watts.
Is there a brand to stay away from? Can you suggest two or three options. I don’t want to go on the cheap, but also don’t want to spent more on a power supply than the rest of the computer is worth.
As this machine is several years old I was also considering replacing the case fan and CPU cooling fan.