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importing a swf through a movie clip

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Dec 9, 2001
Hello all, i'm having trouble being able to lock onto the information inside the external.swf file which is being brought in through a movie clip in the main.swf file.

This is in reference to actionscript. If I try to use _root.movieholder, all I seem to get is the main file.

So that is my question, what is the syntax for getting to the external.swf from the main.swf when it is being brought in through a movie clip?
To target the loaded movie...

To retreive a variable from it...

my_main_var = _root.movie_clip_holder.my_var;


it isn't targeting the movie clip that is the problem, but it seems when I target the movie clip, it doesn't act like there is anything imported into it which makes the movie clip empty
maybe this will help

movieclipToLoad = _root.movieholder

loadPercent = (Math.floor (movieclipToLoad.getBytesLoaded() / movieclipToLoad.getBytesTotal() * 100) + "%");
loadBytes = (Math.round((movieclipToLoad.getBytesLoaded() / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 + " Kb of " + Math.round((movieclipToLoad.getBytesTotal() / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 + " Kb total Loaded.");

if (_root.movieholder.getBytesLoaded() == _root.movieholder.getBytesTotal()){ //Check for finished loading
//If loaded, final update to fields
loadPercent = "100%";
loadBytes = (Math.round((movieclipToLoad.getBytesLoaded() / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 + " Kb of " + Math.round((movieclipToLoad.getBytesTotal() / 1024) * 1000) / 1000 + " Kb total Loaded.");

loadbar._xscale = Number(loadpercent);

gotoAndPlay(5); //Where to go once your movie is loaded

that's the preloader
Are you actually loading some external .swf in this _root.movieholder before using this preloader? Otherwise you're only reading the loaded bytes of the empty movieholder itself which is like 4 bytes.


ok, so I'm having the same problems here...

I have a series of external .swfs that I want to "preload" into a container on the stage. I have an array of these files, and want to load 01 after 00 gets entirely loaded etc... I can't seem to acces .getBytesTotal() of the clip as I'm loading it (in order to determine if 00 is totally loaded), it only reads the 4 bytes of the empty container

here's my code (bear with all the traces, still trying to figure out what's up)

function preLoad() {
trace( "Begin loading..." );
for( i = 0; i < _root.maxElements; i++ ) {
trace( &quot;external file bytes: &quot; + _root.movieClipArray [ i ].getBytesTotal());
trace( &quot; Begin loading &quot; + _root.movieClipArray [ i ] + &quot; (&quot; + _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesTotal() + &quot; bytes)&quot; );
loadMovie (_root.movieClipArray [ i ], _root.prjPreLoad )

for( j = _root.prjPreLoad._currentframe; j > 0; ) {
j = _root.prjPreLoad._totalframes - _root.prjPreLoad._currentframe;

trace( &quot; totalframes: &quot; + _root.prjPreLoad._totalframes) ;
if( j == 0 ) {
trace( &quot; project &quot; + _root.movieClipArray [ i ] + &quot; has loaded (&quot; + _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesLoaded() + &quot; bytes)&quot; );

any thoughts?

sorry, that code was incorrect (tryin somethin new...) the correct code is:

function preLoad() {
trace( &quot;Begin loading...&quot; );
for( i = 0; i < _root.maxElements; i++ ) {
loadMovie (_root.movieClipArray [ i ], _root.prjPreLoad )
trace( &quot; Begin loading &quot; + _root.movieClipArray [ i ] + &quot; (&quot; + _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesTotal() + &quot; bytes)&quot; );
trace( &quot;BytesTotal: &quot; + _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesTotal() );
for( j = _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesTotal(); j > 0; ) {
j = _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesTotal() - _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesLoaded;

if( j == 0 ) {
trace( &quot; project &quot; + _root.movieClipArray [ i ] + &quot; has loaded (&quot; + _root.prjPreLoad.getBytesLoaded() + &quot; bytes)&quot; );

trace( &quot;End loading.&quot; );
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