This is probably a very basic question but I'm afraid it's beyond my expertise!
I've just got approval to put a newsfeed on my site but they don't provide any assistance to add it. All they say is -
The newsfeed is updated three time a day at 6:55am (main from the days paper), 12:55 & 6:55pm (latest news headlines for the day). These files are provided on an "as is" basis. We cannot provide any additional assistance in getting these displayed on your site.
The feed format is in NITF 2.5 XML.
Each file represents a headline and link. These have a news category and subcategory detailed under the "tobject". The key field is "subect type" which you will find broken down into our main news categories being:
Ø News
Ø Business
Ø Sport
Ø Technology
Ø Entertainment
Ø Travel
Ø Money
Ø Property
Ø Motoring
Ø Employment
You will find that the "subject matter" does carry a sub category in some cases, eg:
Ø World (sub of News)
Ø Rugby, netball, league, cricket, etc (sub of sports)
Ø Economy, markets, agriculture, etc, (sub of Business)
They also provided a link to a folder of xml files.
Can anyone give me a clue as to how I add this to my site? Some example code would be gratefully appreciated!
I've just got approval to put a newsfeed on my site but they don't provide any assistance to add it. All they say is -
The newsfeed is updated three time a day at 6:55am (main from the days paper), 12:55 & 6:55pm (latest news headlines for the day). These files are provided on an "as is" basis. We cannot provide any additional assistance in getting these displayed on your site.
The feed format is in NITF 2.5 XML.
Each file represents a headline and link. These have a news category and subcategory detailed under the "tobject". The key field is "subect type" which you will find broken down into our main news categories being:
Ø News
Ø Business
Ø Sport
Ø Technology
Ø Entertainment
Ø Travel
Ø Money
Ø Property
Ø Motoring
Ø Employment
You will find that the "subject matter" does carry a sub category in some cases, eg:
Ø World (sub of News)
Ø Rugby, netball, league, cricket, etc (sub of sports)
Ø Economy, markets, agriculture, etc, (sub of Business)
They also provided a link to a folder of xml files.
Can anyone give me a clue as to how I add this to my site? Some example code would be gratefully appreciated!