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Images in datgrid

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Oct 11, 1999
I am doing a property website in which I wish to show photos and data of the property. I had thought that the datagrid with a template column for this would do the trick. I cannot however get the grid to show the image instead of its url. Can anybody help.

PK Odendaal
Use something like:


<img src="images/<%# Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "yourimagename") %>.jpg">


Then in the DB you just need to save the name of the .jpg in the field.

or..are you retieving from sql server database?



I am retrieving the image path from an Access database and I need to set up or change the images dynamically as you know. Is there no way I can do it in code behind ?

PK Odendaal
This might be useful for you if you need to use a link on your images. If you don't use it as a hyperlink, there probably are other alternatives, or you can 'protect' your image so that it does not function as a hyperlink and not need a NavigateURL. ImageURL below can be dynamically defined in the code-behind

<asp:TemplateColumn SortExpression="YourImageSort" HeaderText="YourImageHeaderText" HeaderImageUrl="Includes/YourImage.gif">
<asp:HyperLink id="yourimage" runat="server" ImageUrl="Includes/YourImage.gif" Width="15px" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Your_Image") %>'>

HyperLink objyourimage = null;
objyourimage = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("Your_Image");
if (objyourimage != null) {
objyourimage.NavigateUrl = strPathName;
objyourimage.ImageUrl = "Includes/YourImage.gif"

Watch out for a 'gotcha' though if you have the Image show on the Header - in my case it obtained the same properties of the preceding default Command button so I had to kludge my way around this bug. Probably no problems if you do not put your image in a grid Header.


Thanks for your contribution. However it seems that your code is in C# and I use VB.Net (sorry) and I do wish to use the image as a link to some other page.

PK Odendaal
Then the only 3 lines that need to be in VB.NET would be these:

HyperLink objyourimage = null;
objyourimage = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("Your_Image");
if (objyourimage != null) {

These could be converted to VB.NET with a little looking around. The ImageURL & NavigateURL code would be the same in VB.NET or maybe in a WITH, I am sure.

Good luck.
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