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Image Quality (PNB,JPG,..) 1

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Technical User
Jun 3, 2003
What's up, hope y'all doing good.

My problem. is my web site, and I imported PNG and JPG images on the flash file. If i view the site on my desktop computer, then everything looks fine and there is a good image quality.

BUT last weekend I've viewed it on a laptop. The PNG alpha area was kinda visible and also the images were in a bad quality.

I know it's the "color" setting of the screen of the Laptop BUT is there any kinda to fix that?

Like Using Vector Images, or using a different software for the images?

I use Photoshop 7.0 for images.


- Flavor4real -

:::::::::: 55-Studio.com :::::::::::
You need to view PNG graphics on monitors set to 32-bit 'true' colour to avoid that halo effect completely in transparent areas. However if the transparent area is showing up over an area filled with flat colour, changing that colour's value to a websafe code (the ones in the default Flash palette) will lessen or remove the effect.

The fall off in quality could be due to the graphic's publish settings (found in 'properties' when you right click on the image in the library) - you can have a PNG set to very clear 'lossless' compression (how it appears by default in the authoring environment regardless of publish settings) or to 'jpeg' compression which will degrade the image quality but drop the filesize.
Thanks,.. what about the transparent areas on gif images? are they acting the same?

:::::::::: 55-Studio.com :::::::::::
If they do I've never noticed but I never use them anymore because of the 'jaggies' - you can't get a smooth drop off to transparency with a gif: it's all or nothing and often you get a very definite aliased one pixel line of the background colour around your image which looks hideous.
i see what u saying, well,..what u thing about my website? How the images appear to you? Judge it and let me know..


:::::::::: 55-Studio.com :::::::::::
I'm not seeing any halos on the images you're using, even set at 16 bit colour. The gradients look a little bit choppy but that's pretty much unavoidable using jpeg compression.

Overall I think it looks very nice: slick and professional, I like the images you've chosen and the animated transitions are really smooth.

The only things I'd say as criticism are: it would be a good idea to do a final copy check as the English has a few mistakes in it; you get a flash frame from the loader bars when you go back to a section you've already visited and the section list across the top bar looks like a menu but doesn't act like one.

These are real easy fixes though, I like it a lot.
=) thank you ... well, i thought that there are some grammar mistakes =( .. a german in the united states =/ grammar is veryt bad ..lol ..naa not that bad just a little.. where u located? what r u doing?

:::::::::: 55-Studio.com :::::::::::
No blurrings at me too...the images are fine...i have the same problem ... i'm using transparent pngs and when the monitor is set to 16bit the images are not transparent anymore... for example...the flash movie from the first page.

Flavour4real your website looks very good...i like the images and the effect on the text...at the beggining of the sections...

Another question: where you took those images?...are they copyrighted or are yours? i have a little problem with images...great images like imagebank, etc are very expensive...i think in a short time i will became a photographer :)

Flavour4real can you please explain us a bit how you did the in and out transitions on your web site...so when you press a button the "out" animation from your website is been played and when it reaches it's end it loads the new movie...i saw you are using 2 instances of the same button...

Thanks! ;-)


ok,.. i will explain how to do that. give me a week. i jsut got back from oklahoma and i have to see how i did that. i teel u, i updated one time something and it was kinda hard to rethink how i did it....

it's actl easy but give me a week ok...thanks

:::::::::: 55-Studio.com :::::::::::
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