I have 2 small forms on my page. What has a simple INPUT box and an image BUTTON. The other has a SELECT drop down and an image button.
I have the image button aligning perfectly with the INPUT box (it's bigger in height than the INPUT box, so it has a vertical alignment of "middle" and it is set perfectly.) It looks like this:
For the SELECT drop down, although it is aligned better with vertical alignment set to "middle" than it is without it, the image is still off. It looks like this:
Here's my style sheet:
Here's my HTML:
I have the image button aligning perfectly with the INPUT box (it's bigger in height than the INPUT box, so it has a vertical alignment of "middle" and it is set perfectly.) It looks like this:
For the SELECT drop down, although it is aligned better with vertical alignment set to "middle" than it is without it, the image is still off. It looks like this:
Here's my style sheet:
img {
display: block;
border: 0;
form {
display: inline;
input {
font-size: 8pt;
select {
font-size: 8pt;
#box1 {
font-size: 8pt;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
clear: right;
float: right;
margin: 30px 6px 2px 0px;
#box1 input {
vertical-align: middle;
#box2 {
width: 540px;
height: 240px;
float: left;
#box2 #box2B {
width: 320px;
height: 60px;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 6px;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
#box2 #box2B input {
vertical-align: middle;
Here's my HTML:
<div id="box1">
<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="text" name="searchbox" size="20"> <input src="search.gif" name="Submit" width="60" height="22" type="image">
<div id="box2B">
<select name="pages" size="1">
<option value="page1">Page1</option>
<option value="page2">Page2</option>
<option value="page3">Page3</option>
</select> <input src="go.gif" name="Go" width="25" height="22" type="image">