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Im getting forgien characters when I email the output from "top" 1

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Apr 29, 2005
When I email the output of top to my self it contains a bunch of forgien characters that dont appear if I just output it to the screen. How can I get it not to show thos characters? IE start with "top" and not "[?7ltop"

[?7ltop - 09:56:47 up 6 days, 5:38, 2 users, load average: 0.60, 0.61, 0.62
Tasks: 261 total, 1 running, 232 sleeping, 0 stopped, 28 zombie
Cpu(s): 3.5% us, 1.0% sy, 0.1% ni, 90.5% id, 4.6% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.2% si
Mem:  1034712k total, 1009904k used, 24808k free, 80224k buffers
Swap: 2096440k total, 52184k used, 2044256k free, 470088k cached
They're escape codes possibly for an Ansi terminal, you could try changing your terminal type, or look at a module to get the info for you. Do you have SNMP installed on the server

Alternatively you could use a few regexes to parse out the control sequences

This might be what you're looking for, an ANSI parser


cigless ...
Thanks, I installed that but I getting this error:
# ./load.pl
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Image::ANSI::parser" (perhaps you forgot to load "Image::ANSI::parser"?) at ./loadlog.pl line 11.

Im my code I have:
$top2=qx[top -n1];
my $parser = Image::ANSI::parser->new;
$top = $parser->parse( string => $top2 );

Do you know why Im getting that error?
Fixed it, I added
use Image::ANSI::parser;

But now it says:
Use of uninitialized value in split at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Image/ANSI/Parser.pm line 139.
Can't call method "attr" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Image/ANSI/Parser.pm line 389.

Any ideas?
Parsers can be fun to play with, but you could always run
$top2=qx[top -n1 -b];
to suppress the control characters, and stop messing about with parsers altogether...
Thanks that did it!

But it gives like 500 processes, is there a way to get it to return just 50?
Nope. But you could
my @top2 = qx[top -n1 -b];
and take the 1st 50 lines of the array, or even pipe the output of top to head (you'll have to rtfm for head syntax, I don't have access to a manpage for it just now)
Found it:
my $top2 = qx[top -n1 -b | head -50];
You might have to tweak the '50' a bit to account for heading lines...
This is working ok, when I run the script through the commandline, but through a cronjob, it does not return anything for top? Why will this work through commandline and not through cron?
privs, what uid is the cron job running under?

cigless ...
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