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illustrator quit unexpectedly

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Sep 9, 2007

I have creative suite 2 and my Illustrator won't open. Here is the message I get:

the application Adobe illustrator CS2 quit unexpectedly.

I re-installed the Illustrator program only then restarted my computer but Illustrator still won't open.

Should I reinstall the entire Creative Suite again? If so, do I trash the entire creative suite before I reinstall it all again?
...first off, have you tried deleting the WHOLE folder "Adobe Illustrator CS2" from "users > (user name) > library > application support > adobe > "Adobe Illustrator CS2"?

...which OS, 10.4.8 on intel? if on tiger, update to the latest tiger version available from apple.

...are you using extensis suitcase? try removing the suitcase plugin out of the illustrator plug-ins folder.

...have you installed any fonts recently in the system folders? if so it is good practice to keep the system font folders clean, apart from the system critical fonts...


..first off, have you tried deleting the WHOLE folder "Adobe Illustrator CS2" from "users > (user name) > library > application support > adobe > "Adobe Illustrator CS2"?

•YES, I trashed every folder for Illustrator. I reinstalled Illustrator but it still won't open.

...which OS, 10.4.8 on intel? if on tiger, update to the latest tiger version available from apple.

• I have OS 10.5.6 ,I'm not sure about intel or tiger, what is tiger? Inever heard of tiger.

...are you using extensis suitcase? try removing the suitcase plugin out of the illustrator plug-ins folder.

• Yes, I am using suitcase, I checked my illustrator plugins
and there are no suitcase plugins in my plug ins folder.

...have you installed any fonts recently in the system folders? if so it is good practice to keep the system font folders clean, apart from the system critical fonts...

• I haven't installed any new fonts in a long time.
...tiger is 10.4, your version is leopard 10.5...

...intel is the make of processor, mac used to be PPC, but are now only producing intel machines...

...CS2 on your version of OS 10.5 Leopard is not officially supported by Adobe as 10.5 Leopard was produced after CS2, around the time Tiger 10.4 was released by Apple...

...CS2 on Tiger 10.4 was fine to run in general, but issues arose when Apple went to Intel processors meaning CS2 has to run through an emulation program called Rosetta. In short, CS2 is a PPC application and became unstable on intel machines meaning Apple released Tiger 10.4 OS update to address some of the issues...

...as your on 10.5 Leopard, CS2 "in theory" will still work, but remember CS2 is a PPC application, Adobe have made it clear that users will likely find it runs OK but not without stability issues...

...there are users that have better performance with CS2 when performing an "erase and install" when upgrading from tiger 10.4 to leopard 10.5, as opposed to a "patched upgrade" to leopard 10.5...

...with all the above in mind, CS2 should still run, but users are best advised to have CS3 or above if running intel based macs...

...as you have tried deleting the illustrator settings folder, double check the plugins folder again, in there is a folder called "extensions" look for the extensis suitcase plugin in there, move it out and try a relaunch of illustrator...

...if this still fails, launch dick utility and perform a "repair disk permissions"...

...this function can take a while, so let it run...

...then try illustrator again...


...oops, slight faux pas in my typing above "launch dick utility" should have read "launch disk utillity"...



• thanks for your help, here's what's happening...

...as you have tried deleting the illustrator settings folder, double check the plugins folder again, in there is a folder called "extensions" look for the extensis suitcase plugin in there, move it out and try a relaunch of illustrator...

• there is no extensis suitcase plug in my extensions folder

...if this still fails, launch dick utility and perform a "repair disk permissions"...

• i tried this but got some messages about backing up all mt files

...this function can take a while, so let it run...

...then try illustrator again...
...have you tried booting from the OS 10.5 start up disk (hold c key with disk in drive) and running disk utility from the "utilities" menu?

...doing so can avoid receiving error messages when trying to repair...

...try that, then reboot into the main system, then try illustrator again...

...if still no joy, then trying starting up the main system is "safe mode" (hold shift key on startup), once up and running do a normal reboot, once back into the main system, try illustrator again...


...if you don't have an install disk to hand you can use "fsck" to run repairs when booting into single user mode:

...or you can run it from the terminal application.

To use fsck, you must run it from the command line. Unlike using your mouse pointer to open an application to do something, you'll need to type a text command at the prompt (#) to tell fsck what to do. The Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities) and single-user mode are two examples of command-line interfaces in which you can type such commands. To use fsck:

Start up your computer in single-user mode to reach the command line.
Note: If necessary, perform a forced restart as described in the Emergency Troubleshooting Handbook that came with your computer. On desktop computers, you can do this by pressing the reset/interrupt button (if there is one) or holding down the power button for several seconds. On portable computers, simultaneously press the Command-Control-power keys. If your portable computer doesn't restart with this method, you may need to reset the Power Manager.

At the command-line prompt type:

/sbin/fsck -fy

Press Return.

fsck will go through five "phases" and then return information about your disk's use and fragmentation. Once it finishes, it'll display this message if no issue is found:

** The volume (name_of_volume) appears to be OK

If fsck found issues and has altered, repaired, or fixed anything, it will display this message:


Important: If this message appears, repeat the fsck command you typed in step 2 until fsck tells you that your volume appears to be OK (first-pass repairs may uncover additional issues, so this is a normal thing to do).

When fsck reports that your volume is OK, type reboot at the prompt and then press Return.
Your computer should start up normally and allow you to log in.


...also, there is another preferences file you can try deleting, found in "users > (user name) > library > preferences > com.adobe.illustrator.plist"...


...if all the above still fails to help, the one other set of system maintenance tasks can be performed using Onyx, download the leopard version here:

...you'll need an admin password to run it, it is also wise to back up any important data before running...

...go to the automation tab and have these settings enabled:

then press execute.

when finished, reboot the computer then try illustrator again.


...finally, if none of the above works then the only last area i can think of to try is to perform an "archive and install" of mac os 10.5 from the install disk and load a fresh copy of the OS onto your machine. The old system is kept in a separate folder for retrieval of data if later required...

...i would still back up any important data before doing so though...

...from there you can reinstall your software from the install disks and see if CS2 functions any better...

...this process is obviously a time consuming one, but still no guarantees about CS2 being fine, in theory it should be better...

...going back to Tiger 10.4 OS where CS2 will most likely be it's most stable to run is the only last option, other than getting CS3/CS4 to run on leopard 10.5...


...just thought of one other area to look into before doing a complete install of the OS...

...do you have the CS2 Version Cue installed, a product part of the CS2 install?

...before doing a complete OS install, try uninstalling version cue CS2...

...to do this properly i believe you may have to do it manually, follow this list here and remove anything related to "Version Cue":

...with CS3, it comes with an uninstall utility, not sure about CS2, but check the "applications > utilities" folder for anything Adobe, you may be able to remove the version cue CS2 component that way, otherwise you will have to do it manually...

...when reinstalling CS2, don't install version cue CS2 component...



Thanks for all your help, my problems were deeper then i thought. I took my computer down to the Apple store and they started over from scratch,reinstalled all programs, operating systems, everything.

BUT... there is something I need your help on. Everything works fine but when I click on an Illustrator icon it doesn't open in Illustrator, it opens in some preview window. When I open it through Illustrater, it opens in Illustrator just fine. But when I save it as an illustrator file it doesn't remain an illustrator file, once again it opens in that same preview window.

There has to be a simple way to figure this out...but I'm not knowligle enough to figure it out.

...It looks like when I save new illustrator files as .ai files they remain as illustrator files. It's only the eps files I am having trouble with.
...you need to press "apple + i" key on an eps file (or choose file > get info)...

...in that window change "open with:" to illustrator cs 2 from the drop down menu...

...press "change all"...

...preview is the default apple image viewer that comes with the OS, you may find this happens to other formats like jpegs that you need to open in photoshop by default...


I have an Illustrator eps file open.

apple + i open spell check.

the file > get info brings me to a window that has an area for a file description, author, author title etc.

there is no drop down menu for me to go to.
...not in illustrator, you need to do it when in the finder, the illustrator icon you see on screen before you open it...

..."get info" is part of the OS, you need to change the OS default program that opens file types...


...as mentioned above:

"...you need to press "apple + i" key on an eps file (or choose file > get info)..."

...this is an OS finder operation, not an illustrator function...

...when you press "change all" button, all files associate with extension .eps will open in illustrator, even if they are not vector eps files, bitmap eps will too...

...jpeg will also open in preview by default, so you may want to change a jpeg to open in photoshop and again press "change all" in the "get info" dialog...


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