I have a perl program (report.pl) which when run simply collates a bunch of information from a log file. This program runs fine when run from the command line (I am running it on different unix systems). My problem is that when I try to run this from inside a different perl program (summary.pl) I get an error complaining of an illegal seek.
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. Also what exactly is an illegal seek anyways?
Here is the error message that I receive:
[Summary.pl WARNING] Error while executing perl /view/bin/report.pl --htmldir TestSummary tests.log -Illegal seek - Error code : 256 - 1
main::GatherTestsInfo() called at /view/scripts/Summary.pl line 133
main::main() called at /view//scripts/General/Summary.pl line 95
And here is the piece of code for calling report.pl:
# Run report script in each of those directory
foreach my $log_dir (@dir_list) {
chdir($log_dir) or die("[Summary.pl ERROR] Failed to cd into $log_dir");
my $cmd = "perl $report_script --htmldir $sum_dir $log";
($? >> 8) && warn("[Summary.pl WARNING] Error while executing $cmd - $! - Error code : $? - ",$? >> 8," -\n"
I have a perl program (report.pl) which when run simply collates a bunch of information from a log file. This program runs fine when run from the command line (I am running it on different unix systems). My problem is that when I try to run this from inside a different perl program (summary.pl) I get an error complaining of an illegal seek.
Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. Also what exactly is an illegal seek anyways?
Here is the error message that I receive:
[Summary.pl WARNING] Error while executing perl /view/bin/report.pl --htmldir TestSummary tests.log -Illegal seek - Error code : 256 - 1
main::GatherTestsInfo() called at /view/scripts/Summary.pl line 133
main::main() called at /view//scripts/General/Summary.pl line 95
And here is the piece of code for calling report.pl:
# Run report script in each of those directory
foreach my $log_dir (@dir_list) {
chdir($log_dir) or die("[Summary.pl ERROR] Failed to cd into $log_dir");
my $cmd = "perl $report_script --htmldir $sum_dir $log";
($? >> 8) && warn("[Summary.pl WARNING] Error while executing $cmd - $! - Error code : $? - ",$? >> 8," -\n"