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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Hi everybody!

I'm running Windows XP Professional and tried to get Internet Information
Server set up for fooling around a bit. So when I go to the Internet
Management Console (or whatever its called, I've got a German version here)
beside the Default Website there's this red error symbol. If try to restart
it, I get a dialogue box stating that the unexpected error 0x8ffe2740
occured. I can't find anything in the MS KB, so maybe some of you experts
here could give me some advice.

Thanks in advance for all responses,
Hey guys, i just found out another program that will screw up the starting of IIS in WindowsAnything..

I did as Stelmat suggested and did the Netstat -an -o and looked for the PID program that was tying up port 80.
Lo and behold, it was a very well known program called Kazaa that was tying up the port.
You can't run IIS and Kazaa on the same machine without errors in either program coming up.
If i have Kazaa running on startup, IIS won't start; and if i have IIS running on startup, Kazaa starts, but craps out with an error after 5 mins when i tries to get to port 80.

My advice:
Lose Kazaa, or, better still, run it on another machine that doesn't have iis running on it e.g.: your desktop not your server. :)
hope that helps at least someone :>


Heaven won't have me, and Hell's afraid i'll take over...
OK!! I finally found this thread (by NOT being able to search for it)

Has anyone found any more info on this error and situation?

The exact same thing is happening to me and it's amazingly frustrating!!

Thanks in advance,
Hi, just foung this thread

You can use Kazza and IIS server at the same time, you just need to remove the check box from the "use port 80 as an alternative for incoming connections" in the firewall options of Kazza. Then restart both Kazza and IIS afterwards.

I'm running Windows 2000 and IIS. I cannot have IIS running when I periodically connect to a corporate network. I have seen references to configuring IIS to start manually, but I can't find the details. Does anyone know of step-by-step instuctions on making this configuration change?
I'm having the same problem Celsi had (Nov 8,2002). I have the same XP Pro IIS 5.1 config as he has.

No stop action I can take will result in the HTTP port (80) being released by W3SVC. Either through the command line (net stop) or through the console tools. Further, I can't 'end' inetinfo.exe with Task Manager. The added insult is that I get a 076 BSOD on driver AFD.SYS if I try a IISRESTORE/RESTART.

Has any body solved this one?
I came up with a similar problem after installing Visual Studio 6. I knew IIS worked with Zone Alarm up until this morning so I knew it wasn't ZA.

I noticed when looking at the Internet services manager that it didn't seem like all of the folders and virtual directories were present. I remember that Visual Interdev had the ability to create virtual directories in IIS/PWS. So I traced the problem to there. VS 6 is getting kinda old now anyway and came out long before IIS 5.x.

I did two things so I don't know if you need to do both or just one of them. Doing both won't hurt.

1. Add/Remove Programs - remove the Web Publishing Wizard.
2. Go to IIS manager, change the default website's home directory to any other folder. apply / OK. Then go and change it back to (or where ever it is supposed to be) then maybe give the machine one good restart.
Thnx, but I don't have VS6.
I did trace this problem to Zone Alarm latest version 3.1.395, which I had just installed. The ZA service (vsmon) seems to conflict as it uses AFD.SYS - and my IIS 5.1 always resulted in the BSOD with indication that AFD.SYS has "locked_pages" ----- my solution was to be sure that ZA did not start at machine start-up --- and, in that case, I had no problems with IIS 5.1.

Seems that ZA latest version hangs onto port 80 in some fashion and then aborts when IIS 5.1 is instructed to 'stop' ---- ZA was of little help on this other than to indicate that ZA is not intended to be a firewall for a server.

What version of ZA are you running?

It would appear there are a great many causes of this problem. I found that when I turned of 'Kazaa' the problem went away. I then restarted 'Kazaa' and both worked fine together. I assume 'Kazaa' wasn't allowing iis to use port 80. Education is what you get from reading the small print.
Experience is what you get from not reading it.
1. I am running Windows XP and just installed IIS 5.1.
2. IIS 5.1 has been installed and un-installed and re-installed and it still does not work.
3. I did not create a virtual directory as I can not get what I have installed to work correctly.
4. I can not view any pages, i.e. nor 5. I can ping the computer with the computer name which gives me an IP address.
6.I can ping the system with the above mentioned IP address.
7. Would someone walk me through the resolution step-by-step?
8. I have changed to port 8080 and IIS it still does not work.

Please help. Thank you.
Confused and Frustrated.

OK, that's it on mine.

IIS wasn't starting (unexpected error 0x8ffe2740) because I had installed Apache web server as a startup service. There's an obtuse (linux style) menu option for it. Takes over the port 80.

Apache documentation says:
"Installing Apache as a service
If you run the InstallApacheService link in the start menu > phpdev then this will install apache as a service, this means that apache will be running whenever you start up windows, if you start Apache as a service you can start and stop the Apache service easily by running the apachemonitor.exe."

I did that, nothing happened so I also went to Start/ControlPanel/AdminTools/Services, found and stopped the service dev4_423 (which is a strange name for apache), changed it to manual start.

IIS works fine again.

I had the same problem. All I had to do was stop the server by doing the following:

Open Oracle Administrative Assistant for Windows NT, then right-click the database instance and select Stop Service.
Hi, I had the same problem with the problems with iis and the unexpected error, 0x8ffe2740.

After uninstalling a couple of programs it was determined that the error was from kazaa media desktop.

Basically the program was running port 80 as an alternate, which meant that iis couldn't use it to publish the web site on my machine.

If you have any similar file sharing software just check the option, other software such as edonkey, kazaa lite, napster, some auto update software could also affect the same port.

hope this helps


Thanks for all the good information. I am still having a problem though. I am doing something unusual... I have modded my XBOX and have ftp software on it. I want to be able to ftp to my computer through my xbox. I am using IIS.

-I did netstat and cleared port 21 and now i dont get an 0x8ffe2740 error when i try to make my default ftp site start. It starts--so, thats good.

-But when i connect from my xbox--it gives me "10060 - Connection timed out (connect)" every time.

I am almost certain that the problem is on the computer's end...not the Xbox's. I can connect to my xbox from my computer, i just cant connect to my computer from my xbox.

I think that i just need to change a few things in the FTP properties...but im not sure what. If anybody has any ideas or if there anybody knows about commonly made errors when setting up the ftp server id appreciate the info.

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