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IIS site works for intranet but not internet 1

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Feb 17, 2004
I am having the some problems. I can access my site through my router assigned ip address but cannot access it through the internet. I then used the ip address that my isp assigned my router to try to access my site over the internet. Is this the WAN IP Address that i should be testing? I also set my routers port forwarding feature to point to my servers ip on port 80. Is there any other suggestions anyone might have for me to publish to the internet. how can i make IIS publish to the internet.
Well I dont think the problem is your LAN/Router configuration. I think its about the website configuration in your IIS.
However, as you didnt mention any problem in IIS, and you think the problem is your LAN/Router setting, i can describe my basic LAN and Router setting so my site can be accessed from internet... if you want...
check the following:

make sure the router is forwarded to the correct local IP (sometimes changes if you restart either the server/computer or router

go to a site like to see that you are using the correct wan ip

these are common problems

it's also possible your ISP blocks port 80 (& 21 for FTP). If you try what the other two posts are saying and it still doesn't work, let me know and I'll help you with setting up a way around it.
thanks everyone for your help.
DDot I do think it is an IIS 6 configuration prob, I was just trying to eliminate all of the basic problems first. I have double checked the servers ip for the port forwarding configuration. I also changed the ports that the ftp and web server are on (Yes I did type the correct port in my browser after I changed the port) with no luck. Like I said it works for my intranet but not the internet. Any other suggestions.
I did just realize that if the web and ftp server are available over over my intranet then it can not be a lan/router setting prob
The basic setting to make one of our stations public accessable are not too complicated i think, and it always work on my virtual web server so far.

- Disable the DHCP in router and set the Static IP for it
- Use Static IP Address for the PC which acts as a web server
- Open port 80 (use the same value for both Port Range Fill boxes) and point it to the web server address (port 21 is not need to be open yet as long as only for test the website)
Its better to check the Router working type... please set it work as "Gateway" instead of as "Router"

Note : If you are not behind the router you can check The WAN IP from Run. Accessing Command Promt by typing cmd from run. You can't do it by open it from Command Promt shortcut in Accessories. Then from the command promt use ipconfig <enter> to find the WAN IP address

But if you are behind a router, Checking your WAN IP Address is more easier. You can check it from the Router Configuration Pages (in the most today routers, its in Status Tab)

As simple as that for router side...

But again..., the problem is posibly from your website configuration in IIS. And it will be a different story...

And since it is IIS6, Gary know much better about that...

If not about IIS, then i'm curious Jaymunda is right, there are some ISP block port 80 and 21 for their basic services.
I made all connections static, I set up port forwarding to point to my server on port 80(Guesing thats what you meant by open port) & I did not see where to switch between gateway & Router (I am using a Netgear wireless router and no the server is not connected wirelessly if any of that makes a diffrence). Would anyone know if trying to access the website over the internet while behind the same router that the server is on will make a diffrence? Unless anyone else has some more suggestions I think thats it with the router/LAN configuration.
Ok, looks everything has configured well... Lets make it more simple and specific, which step still doesnt work properly?

1. Access your website from another PC in your Group using the server Static LAN IP Address or Server Name

2. Access your website from another PC in your Group using the the Public (WAN) IP address assigned for the router
accessing my server from my wan ip address inside my group is what i cannot get to work. Sorry for not making that clearer
I become more curious that your ISP blocks port 80 and 21 like jaymunda said above. Because your IIS configuration looks configured well, you can access it perfectly in intranet.

Would you like to do some little test about it?
sure, my ip is & i changed the port that my web server is on so i do not believe that there is a port blocking but just to be sure i will have 2 servers up on port 80 & Port 8000. My router is set up to pass through on port 80 & 8000 and on both servers the ip addresses are unassigned. I wonder what would would happen if i manually set my server to be the wan ip on my router, I wonder what that would do? The only ip IIS seems to be recognizing is my ip address in my network. maybee my network architecture is wrong. I also wonder what would happen if i had my cable modem run to my server then from my server to the router and so on.... HMMMM
Thanks for the help
Who said your pages can't be accessed from internet?

You wrote : &quot;This Is A Test Page&quot; there, right??
well thats great to hear. I guess i just cant access it from with in my own network. I dont see why I cant, not that it is important because I was only doing it for test purposes. Did it work on both ports

DDot Thanks for all the help
It sounds like your network hardware config is okay:
Modem -> Router => Computers. Unless your goal is to have your web server maintain control over your entire network as a router (which I advise against for security reasons and if that computer goes down, you have no internet for the network), then you should leave that the way it is. Also, the IP on the server is completely different than WAN IP shown on your router. Which IP are you using on a computer in your network to try and connect to the site?

Also, how is the firewall on your router configured? I have a D-
Link brand, and my firewall has a setting for allowing queries from the WAN, LAN or Both. You may have one of the following:

1- your server is not set to allow requests from the LAN. In this case, set the firewall to &quot;Both.&quot;

2- each of the other computers on your network are blocked through your router. Are you having any network problems?

3- you're a software firewall on each computer such as Norton Internet Security. This may automatically have been configured to block certain traffic and you'd need to turn it off.
You are welcome..

hehehe... after long talk, i just got what you meant.
&quot;Your website CAN be accessed from internet, you can't access it from internet only if you do it from your own LAN&quot;

So, I agree with Jaymunda, it sounds like a firewall problem. Is it any firewall software installed in the server?

If it is, so my last sugestion is remove or disable them for moments, lets NAT from your router do the job alone.

Good Luck
I got around this by editing my hosts file and
manually adding my URL IP ... and it works OK.

Of course, the down side to this is having to do
same for every PC in your site.


Jose Lerebours

KNOWLEDGE: Something you can give away endlessly and gain more of it in the process! - Jose Lerebours

I am not sure what u mean by that? can you explain
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