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IIS - flash Object - and IE5.50???

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Dec 6, 2001
Hello everyone. I have a very strange issue to resolve, and unfortunatelly i dont know its nature.

So Im only wishing to find somebody that have already came accross it.

Im building a small web site using my home IIS version came of the XP Pro. The site I'm working on is having a Flash Object.

Everything seem to work fine on I.E 6.0 used by friends and myself. Although the problem i have is that is not working on
I.E 5.5.

More strangelly is working fine BUT the HTML returned to the different browser versions is Different.

There is a line that line gets partially Ereased on I.E. 5.5. And more specifically the Object's call line.

So on I.E6 i have :

TR vAlign=bottom align=middle>
<TD align=&quot;center&quot;>
<OBJECT classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot;
codebase=&quot; WIDTH=&quot;714&quot; HEIGHT=&quot;95&quot; id=&quot;topmenu_normal223&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;movie&quot; VALUE=&quot;topmenu_normal223.swf&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;quality&quot; VALUE=&quot;high&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;menu&quot; VALUE=&quot;false&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;BGCOLOR&quot; VALUE=&quot;#2E2E31&quot;>
<embed src=&quot;topmenu_normal223.swf&quot; quality=high pluginspage=&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; width=&quot;714&quot;
height=&quot;95&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; menu=&quot;false&quot; vspace=&quot;0&quot; hspace=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#000000&quot;>


On I.E 5.5 i have :

TR vAlign=bottom align=middle>
<TD align=&quot;center&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;movie&quot; VALUE=&quot;topmenu_normal223.swf&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;quality&quot; VALUE=&quot;high&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;menu&quot; VALUE=&quot;false&quot;>
<PARAM NAME=&quot;BGCOLOR&quot; VALUE=&quot;#2E2E31&quot;>
<embed src=&quot;topmenu_normal223.swf&quot; quality=high pluginspage=&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; width=&quot;714&quot;
height=&quot;95&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; menu=&quot;false&quot; vspace=&quot;0&quot; hspace=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#000000&quot;>


Excactly as you see it. Please notice the chgange that occures on the third line.

Although further down there are lines coresponding to the object that are there the same on both browsers.

What is going on i dont know? Is it the browser? is it My IIS Object settings? Is it anything else?

It would not be an issue if the Flash object that concerns me appeared properly on both browsers, which is not.
On I.E 6 is fine, while on I.E5.5 appears again but about 10 pixels down from the possition that i want.

If there is no answer to this then what im propably thinking to make the .HTM an .ASP file and try again.

Please help.
ok write wrong, problem resolved. Although i still dont understand why the line gets erased but the missalignment thing wass my fault.
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