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Iframe issue.

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Jun 17, 2005

I have developed a log in form that is not quite working correctly in an Iframe. The problem is that it works fine on my system and every other browser version throughout the office. However it doesnt work on my clients system. We are both using a similar version of IE version 6 - although it is not exactly the same.

The Log in form is contained as a include in my main login page (for example as That domain is referenced from my clients site by an iframe as below.

<iframe scrolling="no" name="ifr" id="ifr" frameborder="0" FRAMEBORDER="0" src=" height="800" width="600">

then in my code is as an include in my index.asp file

<script language>

function login(){


<form name="frmLogin" id="frmLogin" style="margin: 0px" action="index.asp?page=log_in" method="post" target="ifr" >
<input type="image" onClick="javascript:login();" src="buttons/login.gif" vspace="10" border="0">

I am specifically referencing the Iframe but it still apparently doesnt work on my clients browser. Can anybody see or identify a reason for this?

Please help
Check to see that your client's browser is set to allow frames. If the mystery page works on all computers except your client's, then it's probably not a problem with the page. Could you give us a REAL URL for the page so we don't have to guess at this blind?

It seems like it has to be something to do with her browser and Iframes. How would I check to see if her browser allows frames? is it in Internet options>advanced?

The page works fine when she uses it directly from my URL.

I cant give a URL with access at this stage but maybe be able to duplicate something for you later if havent narrowed the problem down.

Does anybody else see if there is an issue with the code?

I have given the Iframe a name and Id field so that should comply with the W3c Accessiblity standards.

Can anybody else help?

This is sort of a shot-in-the-dark, so forgive me...

The SRC you show in your IFRAME tag is a domain address, not a complete URL. Browsers tend to look for a page called index.html when given such a URL. You apparently have a page called index.asp. PERHAPS your browser is more forgiving and accepts the ASP while your client's crashes because it is looking for the .html file. If this IS the problem, it can be solved by creating a index.html file which immediately redirects to the ASP. Of course, explicitly calling out the ASP in the SRC parameter of the IFRAME tag would do the same thing.

...but like I said, this is a shot in the dark since I have not ever relied on the implicit call to a default page on a domain before. I have always explicitly named the file I wanted loaded in an IFRAME, whether given as the value to the SRC parameter or expressed through JavaScript (document.frames[0].document.location = explicitURLvar;).

Perhaps the SRC you show is just a fill-in for the sake of demonstration and you are already calling a file explicity to be loaded in the IFRAME. I can't tell because you have not yet provided representative sample code showing your problem like you told Lee/trollacious you would.

'hope that helps...


...east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce
they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does
Ok thanks for those pointers, I'll take a look at them. I was hoping that somebody could give me a few ideas like that and I apreciate it is difficult to understand the problem with a url.

Sorry I cant give you a URL as there is confidential info at the address and I cant have everybody checking it out.

I am wondering if the issue is because I am using was cloaked domain to host the dummy frameset. I will get my client to take a look at this on a different domain.

Meanwhile thanks again.

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