Is there an IE pre-req for using Imagemaps? I have the following code on my page:
<img src="images/find_lines_1.gif" alt="Find" border="0" usemap="#find_lines_1_Map">
<map name="find_lines_1_Map">
<area shape="rect" alt="" coords="5,103,22,120" href="javascript:FindEmp('760','325','auto','add_apps');">
A colleague of mine is running IE version 5.0 (SP2) and this image is not showing up as a link (and nothing happens when you click it). Works fine on my IE 5.5 (SP2).
<img src="images/find_lines_1.gif" alt="Find" border="0" usemap="#find_lines_1_Map">
<map name="find_lines_1_Map">
<area shape="rect" alt="" coords="5,103,22,120" href="javascript:FindEmp('760','325','auto','add_apps');">
A colleague of mine is running IE version 5.0 (SP2) and this image is not showing up as a link (and nothing happens when you click it). Works fine on my IE 5.5 (SP2).