Dear gurus:<br><br>I made a Web site (by hand) that looks perfect (or at least so I think
) in Internet Explorer, while in Netscape Navigator it looks awful and many things don't work, such as rollover images, mousover effects, submit buttons, JavaScript functions; positioning is awful. <br><br>So what would be your advice? Are there some known techniques or/and strategies for solving this problem? Are there any good Web resources about optimizing Web-site for NN, if it were made for IE originially...<br><br>To make things clearer I'd like to explain some glitches I've already encountered. I experienced the following problems:<br><br>1) There is no way to have background with <tt>no-repeat</tt> option.<br>2) Some mouse-overs work, while others don't.<br>3) Even with <tt>Cellpadding</tt> and <tt>Cellspacing</tt> set to zero<br>tables still get some extra padding<br>4) <tt>DIV</tt> tag doesn't seem to be working<br>5) The link tag in the HEAD section:<br><tt><LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="some_sheet_of_mine.css" TYPE="text/css"></tt><br>doesn't seem to be recognized<br>6) i cannot set <tt>top-margin</tt> and <tt>left-margin</tt> of body to 0em, so it never can touch the toolbar...<br><br>Any <b>solutions</b> or <b>work-arounds</b> available for the above mentioned problems?<br><br>Thanks a lot in advance!<br>W.K.<br><br><br>