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IE downloading and Java problem 1

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Jul 11, 2001
Greetings -

I'm having a problem involving a couple of different behaviours which I suspect may be related because they both started happening at the same time.

1. For those download triggers which involve linking to a page which starts the download rather than linking to the filename/location to download, I don't get the "Save or Run" dialog box anymore - just a plain page containing nothing but a "graphic missing" placeholder icon. Since the link is not directly to the file, I can't right-click and Save Target. This also happens for situations wherein the website offers the ability to tag a number of items to be downloaded in an ad-hoc zipfile. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

2. Some websites use a Java thing which draws pictures and links in a region on the page. These regions are now just showing up gray, and hovering the cursor over where the links should be in the region does not result in the pointing hand, so the links are inaccessible.

The circumstances:

P200, 128MB RAM, running Win2KPro. This all seemed to start when I downloaded and installed IE6. I've since downgraded back to IE5.5 but the problem remains. If you need any more info, please ask. I'll really appreciate anyone who can help me get this fixed.

Cheers, woggie
I solved a similar problem with help courtesy of Whitemtntn:

Microsoft Knowledge Base
Article ID: Q180553

To resolve this issue, delete the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Plugins\Extension
(junk left behind by another application)

This worked perfectly. No more problem.
reghakr - thanx for the effort but none of the methods you described worked to solve my problems. (Java VM was already up to date as it is included in SP2 which I have installed already.)

pjsilver - thank you! You've helped me solve half of the problem! I can now do those downloads! Those registry keys appeared to have something to do with PKZip for Windows, which I am now going to uninstall. WinZip, although built on the PKWare technology and algorithms, works much better and doesn't break things.

But, folks, the other problem still remains. Those Java regions are still greyed out, showing nothing and exposing no functionality. Any other ideas?

Cheers, woggie
A possibility:

Netscape-Style Plug-ins Do Not Work After Upgrading Internet Explorer

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows Millennium Edition
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 for Windows 2000
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows 2000
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Millennium Edition
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows 98
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows 95


Netscape-style plug-ins do not work after you upgrade Internet Explorer by installing any of the products that are listed above.

Some examples of Netscape-style plug-ins include QuickTime by Apple Computer, Inc.; Finale MusicViewer by Coda Music Technology; and AlternaTIFF by Medical Informatics Engineering.

The versions of Internet Explorer that are listed above do not support Netscape-style plug-ins.

Contact the manufacturer of your Netscape-style plug-in to inquire whether the manufacturer has a version of the component available that is built on ActiveX technologies. Apple has provided an ActiveX control that restores the QuickTime plug-in for Internet Explorer versions 5.5 SP2 and 6. Please visit the following Apple Web site to download and install this control:

Developer information about the QuickTime ActiveX plug-in by Apple Computer, Inc. is available at the following Apple Web site:

This behavior is by design.

The Internet Explorer versions that are listed above continue to support the Embed and Object tags and ActiveX. Content creators can continue to use the Embed tag for components that are built on ActiveX technologies, as has been the case since Internet Explorer 3. A few examples are the Flash and Shockwave products from Macromedia, as well as SVG Viewer from Adobe Systems. For additional information about the Embed and Object tags and ActiveX, please see the following Microsoft Web sites:

Hi reghakr -

So is what you're saying that I should uninstall Internet Explorer altogether and then install IE5 and all the plugins that I've installed over the last few years, most of which, of course, I can't remember?

I don't think Win2K can exist without IE installed, can it? I'll bet something weird would happen if I tried to uninstall IE. What does everyone think, before I go ahead and cause myself to have to reinstall Win2K?

Cheers, woggie
No, I'm not recommending you uninstall IE6.

What filetypes are you having a problem with?

Give , a website and a link so I can check it out myself.

I realize your Java VM may be up-to-date, but re-downloading and installing may correct some registry entries or add some that don't exist.

Another thing to try:
To completely clean Internet Explorer,

If you're familiar with DOS, you do this:
It will totally clean everything.

Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart In MS-DOS Mode, and then click OK.

At the command prompt, type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each command, and pressing Y if you are prompted to confirm folder deletion:

deltree cookies
deltree history
deltree tempor~1

The neccessary files and folders will be rebuilt on startup.

Hi reghakr -

And thanks again for your time and support.

The link to the Java VM build 3802 that you quoted goes to a page which explains that, for Win2K machines, the Java VM is ONLY available by installing the Win2K Service Pack 2 or a "Hotfix" (to which there is no link provided) as follows ...

"Note for Windows 2000 users only The Microsoft VM is included with the Windows 2000 operating system and can only be updated with a Windows 2000 hotfix or service pack release. A description of the Windows 2000 Windows File Protection (WFP) feature can be found in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article number Q222193."

From reading around the various links from there, I gather that there is an install routine which does a temoporary mod to disable or modify something about the Windows File Protection system in order to allow the Java VM files to be changed or updated.

So, I'll try reinstalling the whole SP2 pack and see, first, if it doesn't claim it's already at that level, refusing to continue, and, second, if it does complete, if it fixes my problem. I'm reluctant to take the DOS "swat the fly with a sledgehammer" route because I've got literally dozens of passwords, cookies, and cached info that I use extremely frequently. If nothing else works, though, that's what I'll do.

BTW, does anyone know where the saved passwords are stored? Is it a file that I can backup or edit? Is it a registry key? Is it dozens of registry keys?

Note that the filetypes that were giving me trouble were, as I recall, invariably *.zip files, and pjsilver's help which led me to removing a certain registry key (see his message above) and uninstalling PKZip for Windows, solved that problem. As I say, only the Java stuff isn't working now. Funny that both problems would begin at the same time, manifesting on the same sites.

Anyway, I'll try reinstalling SP2.

Cheers, PaulW (woggie)
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