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IE and Outlook setup wizards always popping up...

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Jul 17, 2003

We are running two Metaframe XP Citrix servers w/ Windows 2X loaded. Sporadically, users will connect to Citrix and upon clicking either IE or Outlook (sometimes both), the IE setup wizard appears, as if they have never set this up before. THe same thing happens when they try to connect to Outlook. I usually have to go through the setup wizard for Outlook and configure it for out Exchange server.

THis happens at least 3 to 5 times weekly and has been happening for over 6 months. Any advice would be helpful.

Definitely a profile issue. Do you have the two servers setup for load balancing? If so are you using TS Profiles?
Corruption of profiles does happen but you should't have problems that often... Check the Documents and setting folder for profiles named for the user and multiple copies called userid.domain and userid.domin.000 this will tell you that the Citrix server couldn't match up the SID of the user to a profile so it created a new one.

Hope this gets you started.
We do have two servers set up for load balancing.

I've just *inherited* admin duties, so I'm fairly new to Citrix. I'm not quite sure what TS profiles are. I'll have to look into it when I get to the office tomorrow.

I have seen multiple copies of profiles in the Doc/Settings folder for Administrator and a couple other users, so that explains that. I wasn't quite sure why it had 'administrator.domain.000' and 'administrator.domain.001', ect....

Is there a website that I can go to that can explain exactly how Citrix works or at least something that will get me started?

That last message was supposed to be from blfrd76 not michelle. Thats what I get for using my wife's pc....
ok, I just realized by "TS Profiles", you mean Terminal Services Profiles.

How do I check if we are using TS Profiles?

In usermanager for NT 4.0 domain or users and computers for AD choose a user then look at the profiles tab this is the same place you enter the logon script info running usermanager directly from you Terminal Server will expose more of the SAM database... If you have the line populated with \\server\share\%username% or the like you are using Terminal Server profiles. The profiles must be getting corrupted by something look in the Event logs for clues. I know that SP4 for Win 2k has caused tremendous headaches. Good luck. For Event log errors you can try plugging the error into Or try the board again.

Hope that helps,
I checked out the Profile tab in AD and the following are filled in:

Under User Profile:
Logon Script has a batch file for drive mapping

Under Home Profile:
the "Connect To:" radio button is filled in
and a Drive Letter is selected and
"\\servername\homefolder$" is in the textbox

I looked at the event viewer on the file server and didn't find anything out of the oridinary. Am I looking on the wrong server?

In AD there is a terminal services profile tab sorry. If you don't have TS profiles the problem is somewhere else. Do you have these user.domain.000 on both servers? If not then focus on the server with the issue. If it is happening on both its probably a patch you are missing etc. The event log is the only thing that will help you out in that case.
Their is a patch for this..!! Can't remember what it is though... I'll check and get back w/ ya...

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