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Ideas / Advice needed.......!!

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May 16, 2002
I need to build an asp.net page which will display a list of items. The user will need to be able to move items into a different place in the list, i.e. to change the order of items.

One way of doing this I presume would be to have the item list number in a textbox, with one 'RE-SORT' button. The user could then enter new position numbers into each textbox and save and re-sort on clicking the button.

Has anyone got any better ideas? Is there a way of implementing clickable up/down arrows for each item? Should I be using a repeater/datagrid/datalist for this? I'm really looking for advice or ideas.....
i love chocolate
Most sites that have this type of functionality do it with client-side javascript, and then update the datasource in one server-side function (query).

I'm not sure how you would do this in a datagrid or datalist though. It would be much easier to use a textbox to list the items and have the javascript change the order of the items listed in the textbox in response to a click event on the page.

For example, off the top of my head, Yahoo has the MY-YAhoo page where you can add/re-order/remove various content "modules" using and interface like the one described.

Hopefully this will get you going.
check out
The IBuySpy portal sample has exactly this in the administration mode. You will need to install the app on your machine to test the admin mode. Once there load it up and check the admin tab. Code is also supplied so you can see how it is done. That'l do donkey, that'l do
[bravo] Mark
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