Can you help me in using the functions like IargC, Getarg to read the arguments while running a.out file, I have tried it after seeing an example from the forum, but it didnt work for me...........
The error message is........... "Iargc or Getarg are unknown intrinsic function".
Example prgrm: program main
character*40 arg
integer i
intrinsic getarg
do 10 i = 1, 10, 1
call getarg (i, arg)
! check for the last parameter
if (arg(1:1) .eq. ' ') goto 20
print *, 'Arg ', i, ' = ', arg
10 continue
20 continue
Please kindly help me in solving it.
The error message is........... "Iargc or Getarg are unknown intrinsic function".
Example prgrm: program main
character*40 arg
integer i
intrinsic getarg
do 10 i = 1, 10, 1
call getarg (i, arg)
! check for the last parameter
if (arg(1:1) .eq. ' ') goto 20
print *, 'Arg ', i, ' = ', arg
10 continue
20 continue
Please kindly help me in solving it.