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I want to restrict some users from

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Technical User
Sep 22, 2003
I want to restrict some users from receiving mail from the internet. They need to be able to send and receive local mail. and they have to be able to only send internetmail.
(but NOT receive internet-mail, this should go to another mailbox)

if i remove the SMTP-adress they cannot receive any internetmail.so far so good, But when they now send mail to the internet the x400 adress is send with it, and when someone replies to this mail, it still reaches the restricted user. This i dont want since the restricted user can still receive internetmail this way

How can i fix this?

thanx in alot advance!
remvs from holland
Make a distribution list with all your internal users.
Get the properties of the user's mailbox wich should not receive external mail.
Go to the delivery restrictions tab.
Choose accept messages from list, click the modify button and select the distribution list with all your internal users.
When someone external tries to send a message he/she will get an undeliverable message.

Hope this helps...

Regards from Belgium:)
Dear Zekske, (Zekske = zakje = little scrotum? :) )

Thanks for your reply! Im not behind the coffeegrinder at the moment, but i'll try your suggestion later today.

I'll post y findings s soon as possible

again, thanks a bunch!

Remvs From Noord Brabant, Holland :)
I had a similar request some time ago.
Check out thread10-549234 it may give you some more ideas.

Slán agus beannacht.
Patrick Boland
Hi All,

i've tried the above and it now works for 90%!!!
(I am very greatful alleady)

i fiddled with the Dl's and all works well:
i add the emailadresses of all restricted user to the admins mailbox, so he gets a copy of all mail send to those users. and in those restriced users' properties i set that they only accept local mail (with DL's etc)
this way all outside mail to the restricted user goes to the Admin

When a local user mails to the ouside world, and the recipient out there replies to that message it is somehow sent to the correct user (X400 ??) but since that (local) user is only accepting mail from local the message bounces.
But there i sno copy sent to the Admin!!
Want i want is that also those messages get redirected to th eAdmins mailbox?

What i tried:
In the mailheasder of the reply-mail is the following string as the sender
my guess was that somehow the SMTP adress JBO@entech.nl was
generated and used to find the user. So i added this adress to the admins mailbox as well in order for it to receive a copy, but it doesnt work.

anyone with any suiggestions?

Thanks, remvs

can i for example somehow change the reply-adress that is sent with emails to the ouitside world?
On the E-mail addresses tab of the properties of the mailbox you can add or edit the existing SMTP-adresses.
In the bottom of this screen you also find the button Set as reply address...

So you add the address you want and set this address as your reply address.

This should affect your internal mail but I'm not sure.

Good luck...
Hi all,

It doesnt work.

if i give the restricted user a SMTP adress, then that adress will be used to send outbound mail. When someone replies to that, it will be blocked coz i set that only local mail will be delivered to that user. Since the message is REJECTED and not UNRESOLVED, it doesnt end up in the admins mailbox.

something else btw:
how do i set that unresolved mail goes into the admins mailbox?
if i now send a mail (from the inetrnet) to DONTEXCIST@mydomain.com it bounces!!

i can only add a smtp adress to one mailbox.

If i could add the smtp-adress reply@mydomain.com to ALL RESTRICED USERS adresses and set it as replyadress, then my problem is solved i guess.

is this a way?
or any other? cant i 'fake' a replyadress manually maybe?
We done this here for over 2 years now but have done it the other way around - create an DL for External Mail and set the Delivery Restrictions to Receive messages from all and Reject messages from None.

Then - within the IMS - set the Delivery restictions to accept mail from the External Mail group only and reject messages from none.

All you need to do now is make sure everyone that needs external email access is a member of this new External Mail group.

Good Luck.

I understand what you are saying. But this does not solve my problem

In short:
I need everybody to be able to SEND internetmail, but only a few to RECEIVE internetmail (Other users are restriced).

Internetmail to the restricted users should go to the administrators mailbox.

any suggestions?
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