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I think i have DNS setup right but it won't work. Please Help

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Technical User
Apr 9, 2002
First, This is what i'm trying to do. I have about 20 domain names and 2 web hosting services and have 18 of the domains with forwarders on them going to the 2 with the hosting services. I want to run my own websites on my own servers and not have to pay the monthly fees of hosting with others. I want to setup something like a hosting site but be my own customer. I have a cable modem, one static business IP address, a linksys 8 port router and a 16 port switch. All of this going to 3 servers. All Dell Poweredge servers running Windows Advanced Server 2000 along with SQL and Exchange 2000. I am able to get to an under construction page from the IIS 5.0 only if I use the static IP address from an outside computer. I can also browse the web on these servers with no problems. I have my one static IP going to my router and then have the router forward it's static IP's to the servers. This is where i'm not sure if I messed up somewhere. I'm going from the IP that my ISP gave me to the IP's the router is forwarding such as 192.168.1.xxx with a different one on each machine and on the same subnet. Now are the 192.168.1.xxx IP's to be used everywhere on the servers when setting them up such as DNS??? Or do I use the actual IP my ISP gave me??? Or do I do a combination depending on what it is I'm setting up??? The only way I get internet access is to use the IP from the router side on the TCP/IP properties and use my ISP's DNS IP's they gave me in the DNS section of the TCP/IP's properties. Is this right to use that type of combination??? Because it does work and gives me access to the internet when doing that. Now for the DNS, I've tried everything and can't seem to get it to work. I've done both combinations of IP's in the DNS, I've reloaded Windows 2000 Server 4 times already just to start fresh and even though it seems like it should work, it doesn't. I have a domain pointing to my server and have my forward and reverse zones in the DNS set up. I've compared my DNS records to the DNS records of one of the web host providers that I use and everything seems to be there. The only thing I did see different was on the reverse lookup. On my web hosting providers, the reverse lookup shows their same server as the forward. On my DNS that i'm trying to get to work shows my server on the forward zone but on the reverse lookup, it shows my ISP's server. Could this be the problem??? Do I have to contact them??? I've read so many posts and instructions and some say you have to and others say you don't. What am I forgetting to do??? I opened all the ports on my router just to set up the server so there wouldn't be any closed port stopping everything from working. I have the A, NS, SOA, MX, and PTR zones setup. I've cleared the cache many times too. I just can't seem to get a domain name of mine to access my server but the IP address my ISP gave me can. I also setup default web pages on the IIS and set the host header names too so I could host more than one website with only one IP address. Sorry for how long this is but I wanted to try to cover everthing i could think of. Thank you for any help anyone can give me and please if everyone can keep their posts simple to understand, that would be great too since i'm still a beginner to all of this.
Yikes, your message is hard to follow.

The router gets the address your isp gave you.

You use lan addresses for your servers. Example:
Linksys =
Server A =
Server B =

Server A is your webserver, you port forward port 80 to it.
Server B is your email, you port forward ports 25 and 110 to it.

You cannot forward port 80 to both machines. You would need a second ip address.

Also, depending on who your isp is, they may block port 25 for all traffic except that of there own domain name. Right off the bat I can tell you earthlink does. You can setup exchange 2000 to make use of a smart host to help with this problem if it applies to you.
Tell me if this works. Go to Internet Information Services on your Win2000 Server. It's in Admnistrative Tools. Right click on Default Website and click properties. Click the Web Site tab. In IP Address change to "all unassigned" and TCP port 80. Click the Home Directory tab, click the appropriate button, if I'm correct yours is either share located on another computer or a redirector to a URL.

Local Path: C:\Inet\ or point it to the correct location. Try a test run from another computer in your browser type IP:80/page name. If that works try the or whatever it is/page name.
You have all made good points but I believe I have IIS setup right. The main problem i'm trying to solve is getting my actual domain names to find my server. Isn't that what DNS is for??? The reason I was confused about WAN and LAN IP's is because when I use a LAN IP to configure my DNS, when i'm all done and do a DNS lookup at it shows my LAN IP in the data. Thats why I wasn't sure if I had to use my static IP my ISP gave me. When I do use my static IP from my ISP, the DNS lookup looks fine, just like web hosting companys data with all the zones in the right places. The only difference is that on my reverse lookup, it points to my ISP's DNS servers and not mine. Wasn't sure if that was right as described above in my first post. Thanks again.
Have you verified that your DNS server isn't set as a root server? (delete the "." out of the Forward Lookup Zone)
This would cause the DNS server to attempt to handle ALL DNS requests without help from other DNS servers.
It could be something to do with NAT. Has your ISP done NAT from your external address to your internal (192's are internal addresses)or have you got access to your own router. Don't know if this will help but it m8ight
crs4, I'm running DNS along with Active Directory and IIS on the same server with Windows Advanced Server 2000. When you say "root server" what do you mean? It's the only server running right now so I assume it is. Also, the period your talking about, is it the one after the FQDN? Mine show a period at the end of the FQDN.
Dave, yes, i'm running my own router, a linksys BEFSR81 8 port router.
You are correct. Even though you may be using lan addresses, you want to put the real ip addresses in the hosts of your domains.
Just to clarify, windows will put it's own stuff in the dns for the domain. You just need to add 2 new hosts.

1)www --> points to the real ip address (not lan)
2)blank -->points to the same real ip address

When I say blank, don't type blank, just leave it empty. This is useful if someone types instead of
Also, make 2 host header entries in IIS

hope that helps
Well, I tried adding the two new hosts to the DNS. I already had the blank one pointing to my ISP's IP. I didn't have the so I added it but still nothing works. I just don't know where I went wrong. Does anyone have any other ideas or does someone know of some real basic and easy to understand directions on DNS and IIS? I've spent $450 so far in just books and most are more confusing than what I need to know right now. I just don't really want to pay Network Solutions to host my DNS for all 20 of my domains at $49 each. I know there are others out there that are cheaper but NS gives e-mails and forwards of domains along with detailed logs which I should beable to do on my own servers.
This is what i'm trying to do. Host my own website on my own server so someone can type in a domain name of mine and find my server.
This is what I've done to try and make it work.
Registered a domain at network solutions to be used just for my server and pointed the name to my server as ns1.mydomain.net at IP 68.15.64.xxx and gave it a couple days to register with them.
I then ran the static IP my ISP gave me which I also used at network solutions to point to my server to my router and did a forwarding with the IP to my first server and left all the ports open in my router to just start out and get it to work.
I then started Windows Advanced Server 2000 and ran Actice Directory. Active Directory also setup DNS and the server as a domain controler. I went to DNS and it showed the ns1.mydomain.net in the forward Zone of the DNS. I also have other domains with network solutions and pointed them to ns1.mydomain.net and setup another forward zone using the new domain. I then added other things in the DNS such as A=68.15.62.xxx and MX for e-mail. I also did a reverse zone.
I then setup a under construction page for my second domain and put and whateveritis.net in the host headers at port 80 all unassigned.
When I try to access the website using my domain name, nothings found. If I use an IP, I get the under construction page from the defalt website in IIS.
Is seems like I haven't missed anything so I'm guessing I put something in the wrond area. Is the root folder of a domain name where the beginning of it is such as a defalt.html page would be found? I did that. Do I setup a domain name in IIS so its in the list with the defalt website and admin website or do I have to put the new website within one on those folders? Any extra help would be great.
You cant do what your trying to do. You will need an IP address for each website you want to run.
Check that the ns lookups are poting to your dns server.
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