I searched the other threads under "Microsoft: Access Reports Forum" but couldn't find one on on the following issue:
A report called "rptDetailees" contains a group header called "Cost_Center Header" that is based on a text field called "Cost_Center," however some of the groups in the viewed report are out of order. The "Cost_Center" field takes four-character string values that begin with the leter Z, such as Z310, Z311, ..., Z393.
Unexplicably, the resulting goups in "rptDetailees" are slightly out of order as follows (I marked the out of sequence groups with an asterisk):
Cost_Center Page Number
----------- -----------
Z310 1
Z330 1
Z331 2
Z341 3, 4, 5
Z343 5
Z351 6
Z352 7
Z353 7
*Z313 7
*Z314 8
*Z344 8
( I added a column indicating the page of the report on which the group is printed.)
Thinking that the group would sort correctly if I pulled out the numerical part of the "Cost_Center" field, I changed the group heading from "Cost_Center Header" to "
=Val(Right([Cost_Center],3)) Header". This made no difference in the results, however.
Any ideas on how to obtain the correct group sort order?
A report called "rptDetailees" contains a group header called "Cost_Center Header" that is based on a text field called "Cost_Center," however some of the groups in the viewed report are out of order. The "Cost_Center" field takes four-character string values that begin with the leter Z, such as Z310, Z311, ..., Z393.
Unexplicably, the resulting goups in "rptDetailees" are slightly out of order as follows (I marked the out of sequence groups with an asterisk):
Cost_Center Page Number
----------- -----------
Z310 1
Z330 1
Z331 2
Z341 3, 4, 5
Z343 5
Z351 6
Z352 7
Z353 7
*Z313 7
*Z314 8
*Z344 8
( I added a column indicating the page of the report on which the group is printed.)
Thinking that the group would sort correctly if I pulled out the numerical part of the "Cost_Center" field, I changed the group heading from "Cost_Center Header" to "
=Val(Right([Cost_Center],3)) Header". This made no difference in the results, however.
Any ideas on how to obtain the correct group sort order?