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I/O redirection in perl

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Aug 10, 2005

This piece of code works fine..the output is redirected correctly to mytest.out

system("echo $TEST > mytest.out");

But the below piece of code does not work..the output file mytest.out is empty and display comes on the screen.

Assumption: The file "input" contains string 2005

open (TXNFILE, "input");
system("echo $TEST > mytest.out");

Can someone please tell me why.



open( INFILE, "toread.txt" )
or die( "Can not open toread.txt: $!" );

open( OUTFILE, ">towrite.txt" )
or die( "Can not open towrite.txt: $!" );

print OUTFILE @contents;

close( INFILE );
close( OUTFILE );

GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

Hi dmazzini,

Thanks for ur reply. Let me give a clearer picture of what i was trying to do..i am trying to execute a program CreateTemplate with $TRNXID as a parameter and i want the output to go to the file mytest.out.

system("/usr/bin/java CreateTemplate -tranId $TRNXID > mytest.out");

The output is coming onto the screen but is not going to mytest.out.
can u tell me why this is not working and how do i overcome it.

how about:-

1) assigning the result of the system call to a scalar
2) write the contents of the scalar to your output file

$result = system("/usr/bin/java CreateTemplate -tranId $TRNXID");

open (OUT, "> mytest.out");
print OUT $result;
close OUT;

Kind Regards
Sorry duncdeude,
I think you got that one wrong. You're gonna be writing out the return code and not the output of the command.
Why is no-one suggesting opening a pipeline?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

open IN, "/usr/bin/java CreateTemplate -tranId $TRNXID |"
     or die "Failed to open CreateTemplate";
open OUT, ">mytest.out" or die "Failed to create logfile";
print OUT while(<IN>);
close OUT;
close IN;

(very injured) Trojan.
Hi Trojan

Blimey - i am not awake this morning!

O.K. - is that because nothing will happen when run from the command line? i.e. no output to the screen is generated?

Kind Regards
No, the system command returns the exit code of the process (integer 0-255), to get the stdout, use backticks or as in my case, a pipeline.

(very injured) Trojan.
Well - they say you learn something every day... and it's only 7:40 a.m. and i've learnt somehing already!

I always assumed that system("") was the same as backticks... probably because i never use system("")

I am a muppet!

Thanks Trojan

Kind Regards
Hi Trojan,

Thanks for the solution. It worked fine..but had a question..In the file open command what is the significance of "|" at the end.

The "|" char changes the open from a file open to a pipeline open.

(very injured) Trojan.
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