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I need some help with getting totals

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Jan 30, 2001
I have a table that looks something like this....

Country Silver Gold Bronze Total

Russia 3
Canada 3
Russia 3
Canada 3

What I need is to create a total in the "Total" column that groups the countried together and adds the numbers that total for that country. In effect, I need this data to show up like this....

Country Silver Gold Bronze Total
USA 3 7 10
Russia 3 3 6
Canada 3 3 6

I have tried multiple queries and I am getting nowhere.

Any suggestions?


You need to redesign your table to look like this:

Country - Data Type: Text (PRIMARYKEY)
Gold - Data Type: Number
Silver - Data Type:Number
Bronze - Data Type:Number

Save the table then enter the country with their total Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals.

Here is what the SQL statement looks like to total everything:

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblOlympic_Medals.strCountry, Sum(tblOlympic_Medals.Gold) AS [Total Gold], Sum(tblOlympic_Medals.Silver) AS [Total Silver], Sum(tblOlympic_Medals.Bronze) AS [Total Bronze]
FROM tblOlympic_Medals
GROUP BY tblOlympic_Medals.strCountry;
John Ruff - The Eternal Optimist :)
John, the SQL looks great, (it's the same SQL I would have given) but I don't think Jenn needs to recreate her table. The SQL will work with the table setup she has now...

Kyle ::)

thanks, and I agree, it needs to be redesigned. However, there are already over thousands of records in this database that are seperated out this way. So now I have to figure out how to get the totals I need with the existing format.

Is it even possible to get these totals?

Jenn, this is thrown together, so the names aren't quite right (replace "table2" with your table name, etc), but this will give you EXACTLY what you're looking for...

SELECT Table2.Country, Sum(Table2.[Gold]) AS SumOfGold, Sum(Table2.[Silver]) AS SumOfSilver, Sum(Table2.[Bronze]) AS SumOfBronze, Sum([table2].[Gold])+Sum([table2].[Silver])+Sum([table2].[Bronze]) AS Total
FROM Table2
GROUP BY Table2.Country;

Kyle ::)
Jenn, I may be missing the boat; but, it appears that you simply need a form with one group; that is, group by Country. In the Group footer, use unbound text boxes with the Sum function; i.e.;
= Sum(Bronze)+ Sum(Silver) + Sum.....

Place a copy of each text box with its code in the form footer to get a total of all medals issued.


your statements worked wonderfully with one exception. If the country only has one or two columns with numbers in them, the total is empty. How can I get it to count ALL numbers even if there is an empty field?

Thanks for your help!!!!

How about IIf(IsNull(foo),0,foo) "Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend; and inside a dog, it's too dark to read" - G. Marx
Sorry Jenn, here is the correct SQL statement that will account for nulls:

SELECT Table2.Country, Sum(Table2.Gold) AS SumOfGold, Sum(Table2.Silver) AS SumOfSilver, Sum(Table2.Bronze) AS SumOfBronze, IIf(IsNull(Sum([table2].[Gold])),0,Sum([table2].[Gold]))+IIf(IsNull(Sum([table2].[Silver])),0,Sum([table2].[Silver]))+IIf(IsNull(Sum([table2].[Bronze])),0,Sum([table2].[Bronze])) AS Total
FROM Table2
GROUP BY Table2.Country;

Let me know if I can be of further assistance
Kyle ::)

PS, I just changed my name "AccessIsFun" was more of a sarcastic "joke", so I changed it just now ;-)
Kyle, (and everyone else that contributed)

thank you soooo much! You just saved me hours of work and frustration. Did I ever tell you your my hero? :)

thanks again!

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