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I need Informatica instlation on un

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Jun 26, 2003
I need Informatica instlation on unix hints.
I just finished a dev>test>prod upgrade from 5.12 to 6.0 along with Trillium 6v2. What do you need to know? We had some snags but are up and running.

Larry Bennett
UNIX Admin
We are going for informatica installation on aix machine next week. I have experience installation on windows but not on unix. I need installation tips or any document.


OK. The initial installation on UNIX is very straightforward. The very first thing you need to think about is what userid will be running the application. The reason for this is you will want to “su” to that userid to do the installation. This saves you a lot of “chown” work. The following is a cleaned up list of the installation steps I undertook for a first time install of Informatica 6.2.


1. Create the logical volume infa6v2_lv outside of rootvg
2. Create /usr/local/infa6v2_repos (at least 40 MB)
3. Create /usr/local/infa6v2_repos (at least 20 MB)
4. Create group infaprod
5. Create user infa6v2 add to group infaprod
6. Set infa6v2’s home directory to /usr/local/infa6v2

The Install

1. Informatica Installation
a. su to infa6v2
b. cd /usr/local/infa6v2
c. Set LIBPATH to /usr/local/infa6v2
d. Mount /cdrom, cd to /cdrom/unixserv/aix
e. Run ./install
f. Select English
g. Enter Product Key (all caps no spaces)
h. Select Power Center Server from list
i. Enter Dir /home/infa6v2
j. Y/N to README
k. Y/N to configure now

2. Configure Informatica
a. As infa6v2 in /usr/local/infa6v2 run pmconfig
b. Create start script rc.infa6v2 (su – infa6v2 “-c /usr/local/infa6v2/pmserver”)
c. Edit /etc/inittab to include rc.infa6v2
d. Change .profile’s path to include /usr/local/infa6v2
e. Change .profile’s LIBPATH to include /usr/local/infa6v2
f. Repeat .profile changes in .kshrc
g. Mkdir /usr/local/infa6v2/Cache

3. Informatica Repository Installation
a. Set LIBPATH to /home/infa6v2_repos
b. Mount /cdrom and cd to /cdrom/unixserv/pc/aix
c. Run ./install
d. Select English
e. Select Repository Server from list
f. Enter product key (all caps no spaces)
g. Enter Dir /usr/local/infa6v2repos
i. Y/N Configure

4. Install ODBC Drivers
a. Copy ODBC files to /usr/local/odbc
b. Run ./install
c. Confirm ownership and rights
d. Copy the resulting odbc.ini to /usr/local/infa6v2/.odbc.ini
e. Chmod and chown /home/infa6v2/.odbc.ini as necessary.
f. Add /usr/local/odbc to .profile and .kshrc’s PATH and LIBPATH
g. Change ODBCHOME in .profile to match installation dir
h. Change ODBCINI in .profile to //usr/local/infa6v2/.odbc.ini

5. Now the fun begins for the Application folks!The single biggest gotcha is file ownership and grouping.
Correct configuration of .odbc.ini, pmserver.cfg and pmrepserver.cfg will be the single biggest challenge.

Hope this helps.

Larry Bennett
UNIX Admin
Thanks for installation tips. For testing and integration I want to
recreate the development atmoshpere to another server for testing.

What could be best strategy for this according to you.
I have plan like this
Export the repository.
Install informatcia on other machine.
Configure the informatica serer,repository server.
Import the repository.
But I have following doubts
1 My unix is diffferent, is it could be a problem.
2 How informatica recognise source and target(all of them replicate with same name, after configuring ODBC
it will relate repository source and target.(means when I login to repository
it will show all mappings after above steps)

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