I have setup two files, one a simple HTML form which should pass the username and password to the second file (a cf file) which should verify the names against the access database and either allow access or not.<br><br>the code is as follows for the HTML file:<br><br><html><br><head><br> <title>SITE-Blauvelt Employee Intranet Authorization Page</title><br><style><br>BODY {<br> font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br> font-size : smaller;<br> font-style : normal;<br> font-weight : normal;<br> color : Navy;<br>}<br></style><br></head><br><br><body><br><form action="intranet.cfm" method="POST"><br>Please Type in Your User Name:<br><input type="Text" name="UserID" value="UserID" required="Yes" size="35" maxlength="50" tabindex="1"><br><br><br>Please Type in Your Password:<br><input type="Password" name="Password" value="Password" align="LEFT" size="15" maxlength="25" tabindex="2"><br><br><br><input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Enter our Secured Site"><br></form><br><br></body><br></html><br><br>the CF file looks like:<br><br><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><br><cfquery name="Check" datasource="user" dbtype="ODBC"><br>SELECT * <br>FROM Users<br>WHERE User='#form.UserID#' <br>AND Pass='#form.Password#'<br> </cfquery><br><html><br><head><br> <title>Intranet Welcome Page</title><br><style><br>BODY {<br> font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;<br> font-size : smaller;<br> font-style : normal;<br> font-weight : normal;<br> color : Navy;<br>}<br></style><br></head><br><br><body><br><cfif Check.RecordCount><br><cfset session.authenticated=1><br><cflocation url="intranet.cfm" addtoken="yes"><br><h2>Welcome to our Intranet</h2><br>Please click on the button below to enter the intranet site.<br><br><br><a href="Intranet.html"><br><img src="Intranet Home.gif" width="162" height="41" alt="" border="0"><br></a><br><br><cfelse><br><h2>You are not an authorized user</h2><br><br><img src="assets/images/g0602018.gif" width="137" height="146" alt="" border="0"><br><br>Please click on the link below to be taken to our home page. <br><br><br><a href="<A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Page</a><br><br><br>Thank you.<br></cfif><br></body><br></html><br><br>I keep getting the following error even though I have my application.cfm set up which gives user sessions abilities:<br><br>Error Diagnostic Information<br>Error resolving parameter FORM.USERID<br><br>The specified form field cannot be found. This problem is very likely due to the fact that you have misspelled the form field name.<br><br>The error occurred while evaluating the expression: <br><br>#form.UserID#<br><br>The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (#form.UserID#), occupying document position (5:13) to (5:25). <br><br>Date/Time: 06/21/00 15:34:07<br>Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)<br>Remote Address:<br>HTTP Referer: <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> C:\WebSite\htdocs\intranet.cfm<br><br>I understand what the error means but why would I continue to get it when the form is passing UserID over to the file.<br><br>Any help would be appreciated.