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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I have... or HAD... WinXP on my computer... it was working ok... and i got a virus the other nite - nothing big, just decides 2 play around with the icons of programs, updated my Norton Antivirus, scaned it, got rid of all viruses (1) and scaned 2 more times 2 b sure.... it's now 3 days later, and i can't get into Windows... i get a blue screen telling me to re-install my hardware or software... u kno - "if this is the first time u've seen this msg..."... then if i DO get to the welcome screen, it freezes up and doesn't go into windows... sometimes i get a msg saying "couldn't load user details" or something but it still doesn't get into windows... and scandisk says i have a problem with some files... HELP!!!!!!
Any1 who can solve this... id b INCREDIBLY greatful....

Do you know which virus you had on your computer?

All viruses have their own characteristics. Some will simply send their message to everyone in your address book, while others will rename or corrupt important system files. These files are sometime required for your operating system to work as designed.
You may have scanned your computer with Norton AV, but system files could have been damaged.
If this is the case, you may have to reinstall Windows XP over top of itself to correct the problem.

Please let us know what you find.

I can't remember exactly... it was sumthing like.... a few unknowns, a Bacdoor.Trojan and a... W95.spaces.1445.....?? it's been a week since i did the scan...
I did install one game since the virus... but i doubt that would've brought up the blue screen on startup....

I do remember there was apparently a corrupt file just as i was shutting down the day before it 'died'... umm in C:\WINDOWS\P***\NMain*** not sure wot the file was but definately an NMAIN-something...

Considering XP took a week to finally set up on my computer and get working properly... id preffer to leave things like re-installing and/or formatting to a dead-last option if possible....

At this point, formatting and reinstalling may be your only option. Try booting from the CD, and choose the "Repair" installation and see if that fixes thing. Jennifer Sigman
Code-borrower extraordinaire
"They call us public servants for a reason..."
Yeah you could either try to auto repair or get a boot disk and run scan disk. I hate that msg. i just got it the other night but luckly i only keep windows on the C partion so it wasnt that big of a deal to just reformat. JUST A TIP FOR ALL OF YOU OUT THERE ONLY HAVE WINDOWS ON THE C PARTION AND KEEP BACKUPS OF ALL YOUR PROGRAMS INSTALL FILES ON ANOTHER PARTION. I ONLY HAVE A 30 GIG AND I CAN DO THIS WITHOUT A PROBLEM, 3 GIG C, 12 ON D AND E.

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