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I love ASP.NET 2

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Nov 27, 2001
Just wanted to let you all know.
It's fantastic - if I ever have to do another project in classic asp I may leave my job.
Mark [openup]
I started with dreamweaver MX. It's ok but it promotes poor program design with its use of inline asp code. Also I'm a little dubious about some of it's auto generated code. If you can, get VS.NET, you won't regret it. Developing with it is is virtually identical to writing a vb app.

Like the originator of this post I really like asp.net and the whole .net thing. Classic asp code I wrote previously makes me wince. I never, ever want to use it again. I also have a programmer working for me (you know who you are if you are reading this) who I'm trying to wean off Classic. Poor sod's probably getting rather tired of me going on about how good .net is.
thanks a lot! now I'm having ideas on how to start studying. Though I'm quite confused on what book should I invest to study ASP.NET and VB.NET...should I go for O'Reilly, Wrox or the ASP.NET for dummies? and one more thing... can I use Personal Web Server instead of IIS to run my .aspx?
Out of all the books I've ever read, WROX is bar none the best book on the market. Just pick your subject and purchase. Money well spent.

The answer to getting answered -- faq855-2992
I am still fighting the changes. Been working with it for only a week. I can see the good, but it's comming slow.
I think the biggest misconception for me (and others I;ve talked too) was that ASP.NET (With VB.NET) was going to revolutionise the Visual aspect of web programming like VB did for windows programming. But in the end your code still has to be rendered in a browser and ends up being HTML/JAVASCRIPT and have all the limitations that brings with it.

In my brief dabbling with JAVA I thought graphically the end UI one could end up creating was superior, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, long live VB in its many forms, I know for one I would never have got into database programming if it hadnt have been for VBA.

(The more ASP.NET I do, the more Javascript I find myself using)
I think it has revolutionized the visual aspect of web programming. here's why:

1. Focus on objects and code instead of <tags>
I'm working in a classic asp environment right now, and alot of my time is spent hunting down improper html tags that are messing up the page. With asp.net, the controls do it for you (yes, you may need to tweak, but you don't have to worry about accidentally forgetting to close a table tag or td/tr tag, etc.). With working in a visual medium, you avoid the time to change code, save it, then open it in a browser. for the most part, you have a great idea of what the page will look like as you develop it. Those seconds add up and can make a difference in dev time.

2. Yes, with java you could create a much richer UI, but you can do the same with vb.net winforms embedded within an asp.net page. the point of 2. is that asp.net is NOT meant to rival java. Instead, its meant to move web development to be on par with desktop development: i.e. object oriented languages and benefits, enriched development environments, better database/data access/manipulation, etc.

Sorry, didn't mean to start ranting (why is it that we geeks get so passionate about our tech?). Just wanted to drop in my .02 cents

I look forward to the day the old asp websites need editing i will come out and recode them for people using my ability to still use non OO based programming!!!

On the flip side i still need to learn .net lol
Wait till you do. You'll retract that statement faster than MS changes their pricing structure.
I tell you it's the ability to create re-usable ASP.NET user controls that I love, much better than include statements.

It gives me that warm feeling inside like when I wrote first my first ActiveX control in VB those many years ago.


(The more ASP.NET I do, the more Javascript I find myself using)
>>(The more ASP.NET I do, the more Javascript I find myself using)

Strange - I haven't had to write ANY more JavaScript since I switched to ASP.NET...
If you are using any validation controls .NET generates the javascript for the client automatically, or handling on events on the client side without calls to back the server then javascript is not only necessary but essential.

.NET is a create tool for creating web apps, but I've found a lot of 'polishing off' still needed with javascript, DHTML, etc. to get a good look and feel to the UI, handling user navigation, validation and other interactions overwise all these call backs to the server to execute code in the .DLL file could take down the best of webservers.


(The more ASP.NET I do, the more Javascript I find myself using)
I have been working with ASP for about 4 months now and am just starting to learn VB-haven't learned it all of course, but have used it to create web pages pulling info from Access. I was wondering if there were any thoughts on whether I should switch to VB.Net and ASP.Net now or should I be fully trained in Classic prior to tackling .Net? I will be creating apps for our company intranet. My boss is ready to purchase any software/books I need right now but I want to make sure I don't get in over my head and waste the money.

Also, can you clarify for me - VS.Net is Visual Studio?

Thanks for the help.

VS.Net is visual Studio (2002 or 2003). If you want to do any programming beyond just web programming, you definatly want to start learning VB.Net. If you are only doing web, VB.Net makes it much easier. Some of what you learn with ASP (Which uses VBScript) carries over, since VBScript is based on VB. But it's an older version of VB. ASP.Net uses VB.Net which is a full fledged programming language. (ASP.Net can also you C# which is a new programming language.)

This allows you more power in regards to accessing data, it also allows for better visual programming. If you can get VS, you will love the Intellisense, which brings up lists of methods and properties as you start typing the name of an object. It really makes finding the right method easy.
PetsShop mentioned by link9 shows the difference between ASP.NET and Java. PetsShop writen in Java have about 20.000 lines of code.
PetsShop writen with ASP.NET VB.NET have about 2.000 lines.

In these days time is money.
You can't compare the power of C++ and Visual Basic. But you can't imagine to write a database application with C++. Thats why almost half of all programmers are vb programmers.

At the end my advice is to have power and development speed in one. That's C#.NET.
Quite off topic, but here is why I dont use ASP.NET for webapplication.

Its not because I hate &quot;.NET&quot;... Its not because PHP is &quot;faster&quot; that C#...


I love Linux, I hate Windows.
I love Apache, I hate IIS
I love MySQL, I hate MS SQL
I love opensource/free codes-libs, I hate closed source
You can use OOP, or not. Its up to you.

I believe that Linux is better. I love stability, security and performance.

I wont run MySQL/Apache and PHP under Windows because THERE ARE ONLY DISAVANTAGES!! I lost performance, scability, more $$$, less security, less features. I can't imagine living without CVS/SSH or apt-get.

That's why PHP is a better choice for programmaing a web application for me.

Lets see what mono can do for us (linux user) in the future ;o)
ASP.NET still doesn't do it for me.

Evreytime I think I can use an object a certain way I cant and have to re-design. Last time it was a dropdown that holds object with more than the 2 properties a listitem can hold (value and text). Luckily a listItem has attributes.add, I could set attributes so the listItem can reflect my object in server and clientscript ... NOOOOO

Tells me I should use HtmlSelect, all other articles would tell you that WebControls instead of HtmlSelect but in this case you should'nt. Not because it is a bug and it will be fixed. No because &quot;This behavior is by design.&quot;. They just put the attributes.add there in to give the intellisense something to do after typing listitem.

Asked my employer for a new PC 2.6 gig 512 MB because the PIII got verry verry verry slow when debugging .net projects. Gues what the first 3 weeks it ran OK but now it takes 3 mintes for a windowles &quot;windows appliction&quot; project to display a msgbox in the main sub after pressing F5. Hope this behavior isn't by design but it looks like it is.

Needless to say I am a bit fed up with the whole vs.net IDE and some of the classes provided with it.

Greetings, Harm Meijer
As much as I like ASP.net and the .NET framework in general, it still has its bugs, even though v1.1 has nuermous fixes. I can't wait for v2.0 of the framework to come out and use all the new features that it touts.

And I still can't stand VB.net, even though they've cleaned it up. I prefer C# and I come from a VB background.

My 2 cents ...
Hi All

Don't have the time to read this whole thread but just wanted to add my &quot;bigup&quot; for .NET. It's greeeaaaattt. :) Like Mark said right at the start, if I have to do another project in classic ASP I think i'll quit. Just maintaining the old stuff we have still running makes me want to cry!

In terms of a good book - if your looking for certification then you can't do much better than...

or if your not looking for certification its still an excellent resource for learning .NET

That being said I can't recomend the .NET Framework SDK Documentation highly enough as a day-to-day reference and of course MSDN is continually publishing .NET articles that always seem to be just at the right time whatever your level.


Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence - Erhmann 1927
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