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I love ASP.NET 2

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Nov 27, 2001
Just wanted to let you all know.
It's fantastic - if I ever have to do another project in classic asp I may leave my job.
Mark [openup]
An amen from right here in the front row, Brother Mark. ;-)

MS has truly outdone themselves.

The answer to getting answered -- faq855-2992
Make that three.....

Nice to see praise for a Microsoft product.....

(Counting down til we hear how PHP on Apache on Linux is so much superior.........after all, we all know how superior it is????!!!!????)

OK guys. I'll have to say that it does impress me. But i started off with a bad taste in my mouth (that still lingers). Mostly because I got a book that taught asp.net syntax, developing just with a text editor. Not knowign VS, I couldn't navigate well and fell into web matrix.

to get rid of this awful taste in my mouth, does anyone know a good book/resource that goes over learning .net for VS?

Otherwise yes, quite a nice language. But I still think variety is the spice of life [wink]
ASP.Net Using VB.Net from Wrox is nice. But for another one (more on VS) try MS Visual Basic .Net STep By Step, by Microsoft Press. Not very often I stray away from Wrox, but I got this book with my version of VS and it worked well. To round it out, and get more in-depth, try Professional VB .Net by Wrox. Those 3 have helped quite a bit.
The MCAD Developing WEb Apps with VB.NET and C# from Microsoft Press is also a good book as well. Also (although it covers more than just asp.net) Programming Visual Basic .NET (core reference) from Microsoft Press is also a fantastic book that really explains the vb.net language in depth. It covers both windows programming and asp.net apps, but the main focus is on the language itself, and topics like inheritance, class fundamentals, garbage collection, etc.

oh, and just a note on the php post: my buddy who is a heavy PHP guy (fusebox, fusebox, fusebox!) was telling me yesterday that the next iteration of hte PHP compiler is supposed to have alot more OO aspects worked in, so don't be surprised if we really DO start hearing from the PHP elitists about how much better it is.

But seriously: how can you take a language seriously when its mascot is a camel?! (oh wait...thats perl isn't it? bah, close enough)


Hear here! Asp.net ,and .net in general, IS really nice. Hey, there's a reason they can afford to hire the best programmers in the world. It's not about anti-trust or monopoly - it's just plain superior products. Period.

I don't think PHP or Coldfusion can even compare anymore. The competitor is J2EE. I am always up for a good J2EE vs. ASP.NET debate so let's go! Anyone?

(this thread could get huge...)
Microsoft took J2EE's petshop e-commerce application and re-wrote it w/ ASP.NET & SQL Server. Page load time was drastically reduced, and throughput was drastically increased. Keep in mind that these "stats" did come from MS, but Rob Howard (the asp.net guy) stated that the J2EE crowd complained that the asp.net version used outputcache and stored procedures to boost performance, which the J2EE application did not use. The .NET app also was written with MUCH less code.

Hmmm... so they said, "Ok, we'll do it without using either of those two components". According to Rob, the application ran even faster after that re-work.

Speed is king in the web world, so draw your own conclusions. :)

Here are some pages to play with. The first is from MS, and the second from The Middleware Company, which is an objective third party (as best I can tell):


The answer to getting answered -- faq855-2992
I just had to pop my two cents. I also am an avid fan of ASP.NET. My beef unlike Mark1 is not classic asp but Access. I don't want to write access I want to write asp.net grrr... That'l do donkey, that'l do
[bravo] Mark
If you are unsure of forum etiquette check here faq796-2540
On that petshop, hmm... seems to me that their original complaints (outputcache and stored procedures) merit nothing. Hey, speed IS king! If that is what sped it up then J2EE should put that into their language. (If they could.) But it worked out in the end. I'm glad to know I chose the language that's on the winning end.

(Winning isn't everything only means something to losers.)
Zarc - I hear ya. Getting ready to shift from Access OLE to SQL Server - looking forward to that. Having built a site with notepad using access (the lower end of the spectrum) I am absolutely impressed with dot net's speed, e.g., making 2 round trips to the server, parsing 60,000 records, creating a chart and all over a 26,000 bps connection in less than 1.5 seconds. Connection pooling, etc... is certainly impressive.
No no,guys, its Microsoft ABSESS (as opposed to Access).

Very similar to how its actually Microsoft xHELL, not Excel

Top post, Mark.....

Now, post a thread like this in the "I love Java forum...."

(Not that I like Java bashing.....but it is fun!!!)

Hello ASP.Net lovers! since you are all here (i guess) I would like to ask your advice...I'm an application programmer using classic ASP/VBscripts for almost a year and I wanted to upgrade my knowledge in web programming...I wanted to learn and practice my programming skills using .NET technologies.

Since I'm i don't know much about .NET what topics/.NET technology should i study first? should I study VB.NET first or ASP.NET or ADO.NET? and can I also use frontpage/dreamweaver in creating .aspx pages?

Please help me...Thanks!

how about ASP.NET with VB.NET? :)

btw, don't make the mistake i'm realizing that i made... i started with just a text editor, not VS.NET... i'm in the process of converting to VS now... sooo much more slick.

Can someone kick me, for wasting all that time. (HARD)...

good luck!
If you are cheap, or poor, you can start with WebMatrix. I would suggest (coming from ASP/VBScripts myself, with much help from these fine gentlemen) to go into ASP.Net. Actually, Some VBScript code will come right over (only REAL basic stuff), tho you must be more Explicit. Or should I say, you must be Explicit.

ie. VBScript, I could do:
Dim myArray, myString, myInteger
myArray[0] = "Hey"
myArray[1] = "Dude"
myString = myArray[0] & myArray[1]
myInteger = myArray.Count (or something like that).

In VB .Net you MUST dim only the same dataTypes together and you must specify.
Dim myArray AS Array
Dim myString AS String
Dim myInteger AS Int32

But I started with ASP.Net, and have since done some Windows Forms. ASP.Net using VB.Net by Wrox. (Hmmm... 2nd time this thread. I should get commision.)
Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I thought I might advise anyone looking for a good beginner/intermediate level book to check out Programming ASP.NET (O'Reily) by Jesse Liberty and Dan Hurwitz.

This book does require some knowledge of VB.NET or C#, however.

BTW - I, too, came from ASP w/VBScript and have since completely switched to C#. To me it is a lot cleaner and easier to understand. Plus, if you've had to write JavaScript before, the syntax is similar and from there you can learn Java or C++ without too much of a learning curve. (I used "C#: How to Program" by the Dietels. Expensive by highly reccomended.)

Not sure about Access - it's a fundamentally different entity to SQL Server or Oracle, with a completely different target. I think it works quite well for what it is intended for, even when you use it as a db as well as a front end.

Excel - same thing. I see this as a great tool for analysing/visualising data.

The problems I've seen occur when users start using these technologies inappropriately, simply because it is what they know how to use. And sometimes I feel that I could fall into the same trap with asp.net!

Good discussion though. I might FAQ it when it tails off...

Mark [openup]
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