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I have a reappearing windows system file that was caused by windows

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Technical User
Oct 24, 2001
Please help me get rid of this.---
Ok.. I reset an HP pavilion back to its disc image.
I trimed the fat and upgraded it to XP with no problem.
I also got all the windows updates.
Then I messed up.
I saw that the Account created from the original was named "HPCustomer" and Described as "Ursula". I wanted the account to be named "Ursula", so I created user "Ursula".
Then I loged off and noticed that both accounts were listed on the welcom screen as "Ursula", which I beleive was how the imported user was listed prior to my change.
OK, then I loged on as the new user and deleted the imported one. When It asked if I would like to save the files from the about to be deleted user, I chose yes.
It created a folder on the desktop named Ursula containing mostly things from "My Documnts". I redistributed the files, and attempted to delete the new folder.
I got an error saying I could not delete it because it was a windows system file, and that if I did windows wouldn't run properly. I know this is BS so I used cmd to remove the directory, which contained 1 empty folder named desktop.
OK I got it deleted.
Then I logoff and logon as "George" which is his first logon.
Theres that damn "Ursula\Desktop\" system folder that windows wont let me delete from the gui again!
I checked with the last user "John" who had logedon prior, and there was no folder.
Since it appeared to be related to the newly created accounts, I copied most everything from "John\" to Default "User\" That probobly just caused some other problem I don't yet realize. (anyway to restore the Default User Folder?) %-)
Upon further investigation, I found that the folder REAPPEARED on "Ursula"s desktop and a "Documents and Settings/Ursula.Upstairs" Folder. I deleted the .Upstairs folder but the situation seemed uneffected.

I'm Stuck, this stupid little reappearing folder, is whats holding me back from making a ghost image backup, and returning the computer to its owner. Which was supposed to be for fathers day :(
Thanks, John
Ok why you guys are chewin on this pain, I'm going to write a login script to remove the folder I guess.

Someones Gotta know how to fix this!

Oh btw this problem is occuring on a Fat32 partition, but I don't think it matters. I think that windows, for whatever reason, is instructing the folder to exist at every logon for every user created after whatever happened, happned.

Ill Try that as soon as this thing boots.
About 1 in 5 boots wants to run 2 hours of system file checker (scandisk)
I thought I may have figured it out.
While fishing around looking for where to disable the system restore (Which I had already disabled), I stumbled into "User Profiles" where I found a 28mb profile listed as "Account Unknown"
I attempted to delete the profile and got the Profile Error:
Profile not deleted completely - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
However, the profile did disappear from the list. And upon closing it and reopening the user profiles, I see that the profile that im on, george, is also missing! I clicked the link that takes me to the User Accounts, and I see George is still listed there. I just noticed that the batch file I was working on and the Ursula folder, which were both on the desktop, are also gone. I saved a file to the desktop, loged off and back on. The flie was still there. Then I created a new user "Ursula" P-) Loged on and DAMNIT its still being created! And now theres 2 "Account Unknown" User Profiles. [mad]
Fu*k it.
I'm going to reformat, and fix the users name from within WinME before the upgrade, and basically start from scratch.

Well I guess I've learned not to keep the files from a deleted user account.
Peace I'm out, I've got a long night ahead of me. [pipe] [2thumbsup]
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